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The Struggles of Having Summer in February

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

It’s no secret that the weather around here has been crazy warm lately, and everyone (myself included) is taking advantage of the ability to be outside and not freeze to death, and being able to wear dresses and sandals has truly been a blessing. However, the prematurely warm weather does come with some drawbacks.


As soon as you put on that short dress, you realized that you should’ve hit the tanning salon sooner than this week. Can you say pale?!



You finally put on those shorts that you’ve had folded in your dresser for months, only to find that you should have hit the gym a little more after all of your holiday binging. You can either spend the next straight month trying to fit back into those shorts or just accept your fate, take a trip to the mall, and enjoy your life.




You didn’t have time to paint your toenails before slipping on your Chacos this morning and you’ve felt self conscious about it all day – but at this point you don’t care, you’re just excited to be wearing them.



You went swimsuit shopping for Spring Break, and the stores had sold out of your size way sooner than they usually do – devastated and panicked, you order them online, hoping they get to you in time for the beach in three weeks.


You forgot all of your summer iced drink orders at Starbucks, and spent ten minutes trying to decide what you wanted in the drive through.



You had to go to the drugstore to get all new makeup, because your skin tone seems to have changed overnight from your usual ghostly winter look. Not to mention that your usual winter makeup routine melts off by noon!!



Despite all of these annoying life struggles we’ve dealt with this week, this warm weather is such a nice change from the usual February chill, and it’s certainly welcome anytime.


Majoring in International Business and minoring in French at Oklahoma State University. Lover of art, music, and all things orange.