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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.


Parents around the country are a bucket of nerves this next week because it’s Spring Break. Videos and pictures show the crowded beaches, wet T-shirt contests, excessive drinking and general reckless behavior. It is enough to make every parent want to ban his or her child from the anticipated week. However, there are ways to be safe if you know the risks.

Risk No. 1: Losing or Breaking a Cell Phone

Whether you are hitting the slopes or lying on the beach, neither is a good place for a phone. Keifer Holliman a junior OK State student lost his phone the first day of being in Destin last year. He recommends not bringing a phone to the beach at all.You can leave it in your room or tucked safely in a bag. Skiing on a mountain? Leave it back at the lodge or in your coat pocket only to remove when safely indoors. The less it is in your hand, the less likely you are to drop it.

Risk No. 2: Meeting New, but Random, People

Being on vacation is a great time to meet new people, but it is important to do that in a safe way. Never leave your friend alone, or allow a friend to leave you alone, with a stranger. Keep it classy and don’t swap more than phone numbers.  

Risk No. 3: Drunkenness and Bad Decisions

Many college students have returned from Spring Break and said they don’t remember anything, but it was the best week of their lives. But if they don’t remember, how do they know they didn’t do something they didn’t want to do? The truth is they don’t. It’s best to count your drinks and know your limit. Check out this site to calculate your limit with certain drinks.

Ultimately, Spring Break is a week of fun but don’t let it get out of hand. Monitor yourself and help out your friends so you can all come home with memorable stories. 

I am a senior at Oklahoma State University. My major is Multimedia Journalism with a minor in leadership. I aspire to be a news anchor or work for a fashion magazine, I am honestly open to any kind of journalism though. I am the Her Campus correspondent for OSU. I interned for News on 6 in Tulsa, Okla this summer and I loved every second of it. Basically, I am just a fun-loving girl who loves her friends and family. The only expectations I have for the future is to be happy.