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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Some people are blessed with perfect skin and others, like myself, missed out on that blessing. But don’t fret because you can get perfect skin by following these few tips. Everyone wants “perfect” skin and this is the best way to get it. 

1. Know your skin type

Every ones skin is different, and not knowing your own could be the main reason nothing is working for you. Certain cleansers are made for specific skin types and that one your using could not be for you. Below is a chart to help anyone that needs a guide to find their own skin type. 

2. Find a cleanser that works for you

Because not every ones skin is the same using the same cleanser as your roommate may not work for you. You need to take sometime and really look at the ingredients and the benefits of using that cleanser and see if that fits with your skin type. Once you find the perfect one for you, you will see a difference.

3. Exfoliate. Exfoliate. Exfoliate.

Like Pharrel said “The key is just exfoliating, like a monster.” Exfoliating is very important and can really change the way your skin looks because it is literally scrubbing the dead skin away. You shouldn’t exfoliate too often, but often enough that it looks like new skin everyday. Again every ones skin is different, so find that balance. 

4. Don’t use your hands

You use your hands for everything and then you put them on your face. It is beneficial to not use your hands and try using a cleansing tool, or exfoliant gloves or almost anything else that you would only use on your face. 

5. Drink lots of water

Water is very beneficial in life and for your skin especially. When you wash your face you tend to get rid of a lot of dirt and oil that was there and staying hydrated will help keep your skin hydrated even after you washed it. 


Those are my tips to you about how to get “perfect” skin. Remember, skincare is a process you have to stick to if you want to notice a difference. It will take time and your skin will go through a phase where its restarting and its a little bit of a rough patch, but keep up the routine and your skin will thank you after.