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Professionals Shine Light on Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Tattoos and piercings are becoming increasingly popular among young people.  Many people don’t think twice when they see a tattoo etched on someone’s arm or a nose ring, but your potential employers might.  That being said, feelings about tattoos and piercings vary from employer to employer.  Why can’t employers simply welcome your ink with open arms, embrace your piercings and just love you the way you are?  But not everyone is going to love you like your mom does.  

Employers can be picky, and the job market is competitive.  An article on Career Realism shines some light on the subject.  In the article Amanda Haddaway how many employers view tattoos and piercings as unprofessional.  However, she does give us hope for the future.

“In recent years, the number of people with tattoos and body piercings has increased significantly and we may see employers relax their standards in the future,” Haddawy said in her article. “But we’re not there yet.”

The future of tattoos in the workplace doesn’t look bleak to Rachel Hennessy of the Huffington Post.

In fact, she thinks that tattoos aren’t such a big deal after all. 

“Workplace concealment policies vary,” Hennessy said in her article. “But having a tattoo in 2013 certainly doesn’t ruin one’s chance at having a successful career.”


There really is no one answer to how employers view body art, but what we can be certain of is that some employers will care, and some won’t.  

The choice to get tattoos and piercings is at your discretion.  If you like it and feel like it won’t hinder your success in your career; then by all means get tattoos and piercings.


*Above photo courtesy of http://mccumberdaniels.wordpress.com

Multimedia Journalism student at Oklahoma State University.