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An Open Letter to the Guy Who Thinks It’s Okay to Drink and Drive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Never in my life did I ever think someone would look me in the eyes and tell me that it’s okay to drink and drive, but thanks to you, that day is here. I’m sure you were probably shocked by my reaction, when you proudly pronounced yourself as a “day drinker,” a “blackout drunk all weekend” type of guy, and (my personal favorite) an “untouchable force” because of your college football jersey. (That’s right, OSU. Who would have thought that our precious players, coming to college for free, could represent you in such an awful way?) Despite your self-proclaimed titles, I gave you the benefit of the doubt by asking you if you were aware of the consequences. To my disappointment, I discovered you’re intelligence on the subject was even lower than I had suspected. As someone who has dealt with losing a loved one to the selfish choice of a drunk driver, you can imagine how much this tore me up inside.  After much thought and deliberation over the past 24 hours, I have decided that the best response to your pathetic excuses is to go ahead and clarify any preexisting ideas that might have been filling up your brain.


1. I won’t hurt anyone, because it’s late at night.

Yes, there are less people out at night. However, there are still drivers going about their daily lives. As someone who frequently DD’s for friends and classmates, it’s terrifying to know that careless people like you, are on the roads. I’m just trying to get my friends home safely. 2. I can’t do that much damage, because my vehicle is smaller.

In case no one informed you, getting hit with a moving vehicle at any speed hurts, especially if you’re walking on foot or on a bike. Also, don’t forget that other drivers might actually care about the wellbeing of others (unlike you) and will probably try to swerve away, which could result in them hitting something else instead of you.


3. I’m usually the least drunk of my friends, so I’m doing you a favor.

Despite what you might think, it sounds like you need some better friends, pal! If no one can take the L for the night and watch after your irresponsible actions, you might need to consider making friendships on other factors, besides drinking. Also, in case you didn’t know, cell phones are now equipped with special options such as:

-Texting: you’re able to type words into a tiny message that allows you to send it to friends who are not drunk to come and get you.

-Calling: It’s like texting, but the words are out loud.

-Apps: Downloadable applications, such as Uber, that allows you to arrange for someone to pick you up.

4. I won’t get hurt.

You can think this all you want, but one mistake and you’re on life support in a hospital. Although, I care very little about you, I’m sure somewhere out there, family and friends perhaps, who would be devastated to get that call at 2 in the morning. Here’s something cool: consider the impact you have on other people, instead of only caring about yourself.


5. I play football (or any sport that applies to you), so I won’t get in that much trouble.

As sad as it is to think that our beloved University allows athletes like you take for granted everything that has been handed to you, it is apparently a reality we have to live with. Not only do you represent other athletes who actually make smart choices, but you also represent our school that works incredibly hard to keep a specific image. Also, the state could care less about your jersey number. You may be getting a free ride, but you won’t be getting scholarship money for the THOUSANDS of dollars you’ll be spending to pay off your DUI. (Not to mention possible jail time. So, yeah.)


So, as a closing note to the 19 year old I recently encountered that made it incredibly clear that he disagreed with my reasoning and who is still currently proud of his actions, I hope that maybe you’ll wake up and realize how sad your life choices are before it’s too late. Some of us just might be dealing with the careless decisions of others JUST LIKE YOU.

I hope you take pride in every weekend decision you make and I HOPE nothing bad ever does happen to you, much less someone that never asked you to get in the car and take their life/the life of someone they love.



     Disappointed, and Personally Affected