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OK State’s Worst Kisses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

You start with a passionate look into each other’s eyes. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest. Your stomach drops and you can barely breathe. Knees are shaking and palms are sweaty. You lean in and… fail. 

We have all had to deal with the bad kisser, right? The bad kisser comes in all shapes and forms, but should be avoided at all costs. Here the top 5 worst kinds of kissers along with OSU students’ personal experiences when dealing with these bad smoochers. If you should come into contact with these smooch bandits…run.

The kiss where they try to eat you:
“She stopped suddenly in the parking garage and said I’m not moving and you know why. So I kissed her. It was like taking a vacuum to my face. Not only was it the most awkward kiss, but possibly the most violent kiss I had ever been a part of. “

The kiss that earns you a nickname:
“One girl I kissed had like a Pikachu mouth.”

The kiss that you sustain a physical injury from:
“We were sitting in the car after dinner and he swung his arm out to pull me in right as I turned. He punched me right in the nose.”

The drunk kiss:
“I was at a party and I had a handful of beers. This older girl (drunk off of Everclear) and I end up on the couch of the living room together alone. So I went for it and I felt something weird around my mouth. She had gotten a nose bleed during it and my face came back covered in blood.”

The absolute worst kiss:
“I went in to kiss her because she had been sick and said that she was too sick to get a kiss. So, to prove her wrong and that I would even risk getting a cold for her, I went in to give her a kiss and she sneezed as soon as our lips touched. Sadly, she shot snot all over the side of my face. Ain’t no girl getting consoled when she is sick anymore!”

I am a senior at Oklahoma State University. My major is Multimedia Journalism with a minor in leadership. I aspire to be a news anchor or work for a fashion magazine, I am honestly open to any kind of journalism though. I am the Her Campus correspondent for OSU. I interned for News on 6 in Tulsa, Okla this summer and I loved every second of it. Basically, I am just a fun-loving girl who loves her friends and family. The only expectations I have for the future is to be happy.