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Non-Boring, Non-Lame Activities for Thanksgiving Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Naturally. everyone looks forward to breaks. What’s not to love about no school, visits to home and seeing family? I know I’m not the only one, though, that gets extremely bored midway through the second day. Having experienced this phenomena I like to call “The Curse of Being Bored on Break,” I have curated a few foolproof ways to keep from being so bored that you don’t enjoy your break.

Spa Day

You have two options with this activity: 1. Go to a fancy spa and spend money to have someone else pamper you. Or 2. Pamper yourself! Make your very own pumpkin face mask from the leftover pumpkin pie ingredients, give yourself an at home mani/pedi, pour a glass of wine and put on the ocean sounds CD that you know your parents have somewhere. It may seem like this day is just as boring as doing nothing, but if you give yourself some time to relax, you’ll feel rested and your skin will be glowing.

Make homemade gifts for friends and family

Nothing says “I love you and care about you” more than a handmade gift. Add your own personal touch to picture frames, make them a handmade card, or run out to Hobby Lobby for ingredients to make aromatherapy scented candles! Or, as my friend suggests, give your friends and families empty gift bags that are “full of love.” Eye roll, I know, but she said it made her mom happy-cry!

Bake yummy treats

The 3 Most-Legit Christmas Desserts of All Time. Enough said.

Talk to Distant Relatives

You may be totally amazed and surprised by the fantastic stories that your relatives have to tell. But you’ll never know unless you talk to them! I love hearing stories from my grandparents about the places they travelled to when they were younger, or the weird jobs they had as kids. Plus, it will make their day to have someone listen to them. 

Dress like a turkey



Have a good Thanksgiving Break! 


Hannah Littlefield was Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Oklahoma State University for 2 semesters, and she had an amazing team backing her up. During her time as CC, she also wrote for CollegeFashionista and her personal style blog, fefifofhannah.com. She will always remember the wonderful and unique team members she had at HCOS, and will cherish every memory.