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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

No shave November is a common thing among men, a trend that has been going on for a few years. Men love it because it’s an excuse to not waste time shaving their faces, but how do all of the women feel about this new phenomenon?

Different women think different things, some love it, some hate it and some are indifferent. The ones who currently have boyfriends are the ones that tend to have stronger opinions on this odd trend.

Lillie Osborn, a freshman at Oklahoma State University, loves it when her boyfriend Colton McCurley participates in No shave November and looks forward to it every year.

“I love that he’s participating in it again this year,” Osborn said, “I just like it because I think scruff is super cute.”

On the other hand, some girls aren’t as pleased with the idea.

Bailey Olsen, a freshman at OSU asked her boyfriend Ross Meade, a sophomore at OSU, to keep it realistic and not too crazy.

“I don’t think he looks bad with facial hair,” Olsen said. “I just don’t think he should go all month without shaving. A little bit is fine, but a whole month may just be too much.”

November is either an exciting month or a very displeasing month for women on campus.

Sarah Eddings, a freshman at OSU said that she thinks men are much more attractive in November.

“If I had a boyfriend, he would participate in no shave November every month,” Eddings said. 

The controversy is interesting, and boys will either make or break their reputation for women in the month of November. With the split in opinions of men and facial hair, will next month suddenly become “Don’t shave December” or will women fight for “Don’t forget to shave December?”