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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

As autumn has quickly fallen upon us, its time to have a serious talk ladies!

There are 7 serious make up trends that need to die with the leaves before the year ends. 


1. The Cake Face

Putting on layers of foundation has to stop quickly. Give your pores a break this winter, by trying out a light weight foundation, or a BB Cream.



2. Body Contouring

Artificial six packs are so last year, and that was when we should have dropped body contouring. This trend is time consuming and a waste of make-up. A healthier lifestyle will get you those abs you have always wanted.


3. Over Drawn Eyebrows

This trend of eyebrows on “fleek” has taken a turn for the worse. The over-concealing and filling in with pomade has to be stopped. Try applying coconut oil to your brows to achieve a thicker and fuller look, then follow behind with a monthly eyebrow threading treatment to get the brows you desire.


4. Ribbon Eyeliner

This trend started off to be pretty cool, but now it has turned into a tragic catfight. Let’s just say RIP to the amazing ribbon cat-eyes, and move on to perfecting our normal cat eye.

5. Improper Blending

We have gone from not blending eye shadow correctly to not blending foundation correctly. This isn’t a trend, but it is a very SERIOUS condition we need to fix before the holiday party invitations are sent out. Invest in blender sponges and stipples brushes to get an even coverage on your foundation, and for the eyes find well pigmented eyeshadows that don’t require much work, but make your makeup flawless!

6. False Eyelashes

 They can turn your basic make-up look into a look that will grab all the compliments from your friends. However, there is something we need to stop, the daily use of false eyelashes that look like you will fly away if you blink too fast. Give your eyelashes a break this winter, and try new mascara or even thickening your eyelashes with aloe vera.

7. Over-lined Lips

Kylie Jenner started this trend with her lip kits, but it is time to kill this trend already. This winter is all about loving your facial features, this includes your natural lip shape.


While these trends may need to die, being fierce and fabulous is always in style and alive. 

Have a Fashioniable Fall!