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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.


Society seems to paint a picture of what the “perfect” woman is. This is true all over the world for women of any age and the only person who you should try to impress and please is yourself. This poem is an original piece by me which reflects the feelings that I have towards myself at times mentally and physically. Sometimes you have to tell yourself that you are the only one who can love the person you and improve it. This is a creative piece meant to relate to girls who may feel the same way as me. You are not alone and do not change for anyone but yourself.

            I do not like the one I am in

                                    By Noah Ratliff

Someone give me a new body.

I do not like the one I am in.


Someone give me a new mind.

For these thoughts are tainted, they are not mine.


Someone give me a new body.

Mine is old, tired, worn, and imperfect.


Someone give me a new mind.

Mine is full of sadness, it is weary and cannot keep up.


Someone build a new me, a better one.

Please let me be that someone

I will be that someone.


Noah Ratliff

OK State '22

Freshman multimedia journalism major