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Losing Your BFF From High School is NOT The End of The World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

We all have that one person we grew extra close to in high school. For a lot of us, however, that relationship is beginning to fade.

It is hard to move on but there are a few reasons why losing that person is not the end of the world.


1. You both have had time to grow and mature. 

  • Now that you are in college juggling homework, jobs, and prioritizing everything else, you may have grown up in such a short amount of time. Unfortunately, you may have gone in two different directions which only means your morals, opinions, or other drastic things may have changed.

2. There is plenty of time to meet someone new.

  • Yes, it is hard to get used to not spending everyday with that one person, but that is what college is about. Going to a university, you have plenty of time to meet a new face! As long as you get involved, you are sure to find your new best friend. 

3. It is said that friends in college last forever.

  •   Not only does meeting a new face help heal the pain, a lot of the times these new friends tend to stick around much longer than your high school friends simply because you both have matured together.

4. You get some time to rediscover yourself.

  • Although you have to go through something that is hard, being alone for a short time is not always a bad thing, because you can have time to rediscover yourself including what really makes you happy.

So, if you are going through an end to a great friendship be sure to remember that:

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”