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Latin Cultural Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.


OSU has so many wonderful opportunities to learn more about other cultures. We’re so lucky to have the chance to go to such a diverse school, and the Student Union Activites Board hosts events that highlights these amazing differences between cultures. 

Most recently, they hosted a Latin Culture Night in the Student Union Ballroom!

Gena McNally, the executive for the Cultural Arts and Social Issues Committee wanted the students of OSU to have a “night of Latin American food and dancing for students to participate in.” Around 60 people attended the event and got to eat amazing food and see beautiful dancing. 

If you are looking to learn more about different cultures, there will be a Cultural Crafts and Cuisine event on November 5th. See you there!

Hannah Littlefield was Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Oklahoma State University for 2 semesters, and she had an amazing team backing her up. During her time as CC, she also wrote for CollegeFashionista and her personal style blog, fefifofhannah.com. She will always remember the wonderful and unique team members she had at HCOS, and will cherish every memory.