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The Frustration of Being a Part of the Millennials

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

            Over the past couple of years, there has been plenty of criticism regarding the millennial generation and how they are egoistic, dependent, and lethargic. Yes, some may be true, but do not apply to everyone. I’ve seen it firsthand, in fact, places that I’ve worked at or sitting in classes. The unfortunate matter of all this is the millennials that do apply to all of those stereotypes are making the rest of us look bad.

1. Lazy Individuals

I am hard working, independent, and altruistic, but sometimes I do find myself slipping into those the stereotypes that are placed on my generation. For example, if I turn on the TV, I will try and think of something more productive I could be doing with my time. There are so many examples of the kinds of bad habits we get into, but it’s important to look for other options and to keep working hard, but to also challenge the stereotypes that life defines us by.


2. The ” WORST” Generation Ever!

Something else worth addressing is that we were created by the “Baby Boomers” who continue to complain about the millennial generation. The obvious factor the “Baby Boomers” look passed is that they’re the ones that raised us to be exactly what they hate and complain about. What would have happened if they pushed us to be more independent or made us do chores? I’m not saying the parents who coddled their children are bad parents, but if they had done things differently, there would be no complaints or criticism.


3. Becoming Ungrateful

 There are times when I notice the millennial generation being ungrateful about the way life benefits us all. If you have a roof over your head, food on your plate, and a place to sleep you should be very grateful. I thank my parents as much as possible for what they have done for me, and absolutely never take it for granted. When I see my generation unappreciative with what they have, it makes me feel very ashamed to be a part of the Millennial. Getting angry because you feel you are inaudible to the world or you don’t get what you want is exactly why other generations see us as a disappointment. If we could be grateful for every day we have we’d feel better as human beings, and finally see that there is a place for everyone in this extraordinary world. 

            Although there are many issues with Millennials, I want to stand up for more and more of them because I am one and I don’t think we deserve the criticism and hate that we are getting. I do think that if some of us are falling under those stereotypes, that we need to prove them all wrong. We need to show everyone that we are not lazy, or irresponsible but instead are hard-working, determined, and independent. Don’t do it for them, do it for you.