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Eight things you shouldn’t put on Facebook

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.


By: Sarah Eddings


  1. The Bikini Selfies– Ladies, if you want to keep any of your self-respect, you might want to think again before uploading that provocative picture of you in your bikini. It’s one thing if the photo shows you at the beach vacationing with friends, but it’s a completely different story if you upload a picture that you took of yourself while awkwardly posing in front of your dirty bathroom mirror. Unless you plan on going swimming in your bathtub, get out of your bathroom, put down the camera phone and go get in the pool.
  2. The Battle Wounds– Nobody wants to see your ingrown toenail, a close-up of the stitches on your forehead or the bone sticking out of the gash on your knee. Get that nastiness off the Internet, and take it to your doctor.
  3. Party Pics– What you do in your free time is totally on you, but keep in mind that future employers look at online profiles before hiring employees. It probably won’t work in your favor if you have pictures plastered all over your Facebook wall from last weekend of you and your friends shotgunning beers at a party.
  4. Baby Mama Drama– While it may seem like you are getting a lot of responses and attention for posting overly dramatic status updates, keep in mind there are probably more people laughing at you than laughing with you. Remember that all 793 of your Facebook “friends” might not actually be your friends, so don’t air your dirty laundry out for everybody to see.
  5. S@%#!– Keep it classy and keep the cursing off your Facebook page. You don’t want your parents to come over and wash your mouth out with soap, so think twice before pressing that “share” button.
  6. Online Displays of Affection– While we’re all sure you truly love your boyfriend or girlfriend of a solid two weeks more than anything else in life, we would prefer to not be reminded of it when we log on to Facebook every day and see a collage of pictures of you and your lover making out.
  7. Song Lyrics– Sometimes music really does affect our lives, and occasionally it’s fine to share some lyrics that really describe how we’re feeling or maybe even a song that has inspired us, but some lyrics are better left untyped because I highly doubt 2 Chainz has ever rapped something that has impacted your life so much you need to share it with everybody—even if she does have a “big booty”.
  8. Food Frenzy-Unless you ate dinner with the Queen of England, odds are nobody cares what you ate for dinner, especially when you already posted about what you had for breakfast and lunch that same day. Just keep in mind that it’s OK for some moments to go undocumented.