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Campus Cuties: Couples Edition: Randy Cao and Jessica Szeto

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Jessica Szeto and Randy Cao

Jessica Szeto Q & A:
Name: Jessica Szeto
Age: 20
Year: 2013
 Major: Hotel and Restaurant Administration
Hometown: Tulsa, OK
Future career goal: To become a successful wedding & event planner
Where would you like to be in 5 years? Married with a prosperous career living in Oklahoma City with Mr. Cao.

Randy Cao Q & A:
Name: Randy Cao
Age: 21
Year: 2013
Major: Fire Protection & Safety
Hometown: Mustang, Okla.
Future career goal: To Be successful in whatever career field I choose
Where would you like to be in 5 years? Hopefully settling down with a great career with Miss Szeto.

Q & A for the couple:

Favorite date memory?
Jessica: Our first date that took place at Tokyo Pot. He had never been and it was a great way for us to talk more and get to know each other.

How did you guys meet?
Randy:We met through a friend who brought me over to his apartment for dinner.

How long have you two been dating?
Jessica:Almost 3 months but we’ve known each other for more than a year.

What is the longest amount of time you’ve spent apart?
Randy: A week.

 Have you met each other’s family? If so, how soon after you started dating? If not, how long do you have to wait until you meet your significant other’s family?
Jessica:We’ve both met each other’s family while we were still friends but in that dating, about to become official, stage.

What is the most romantic thing your boyfriend has done for you?
Jessica:For my Christmas present and one month anniversary present, Randy made me an actual book filled with pictures of our events together that lead up to that time.

Favorite hobby/activity you like to do together?
Randy:We like cooking together and watching movies or random tv shows.

How often do you spend time together in a week?
Jessica:When we’re not working out, going to meetings, attending classes or doing any other extracurricular activities, we pretty much spend the rest of that time together. 

Becca is an Oklahoma State University fashion journalism student. After she graduates in December, she wants to work for British Vogue. She believes that although a $1,200 sundress looks fantastic on the runway, there are less expensive alternatives to looking fabulous. Knowing how to shop on a budget is a vital skill for every college woman. She has recently completed a life-changing study abroad experience in London and a visual merchandising internship at White House Black Market in Dallas. Becca wants to show the fashion world that you can look beautiful without breaking the bank.