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Campus Cutie: Josh Hurt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Josh Hurt


“ I help girls with their fashion, but I can also help guys change oil.”
Name:Josh Hurt
Hometown:Tulsa, Okla.
Political Views:Liberal
Relationship status:With guys…technically, I single. But with my girlfriends I’m married, divorced and engaged. Technically, I’m supposed to have children at some point
Hobbies:Being with my friends, having a lot of fun. I dance. I’m just really chill. Studying is not my thing.
Celebrity crush:Cam Gigandet from Burlesque
Boxers or briefs:Briefs
Qualities in your perfect man:“I like them taller than me, I like if we just get each other and have a lot of fun. I like them to be physically fit and to feel safe with them. If I feel safe I’m golden. So basically height, looks, personality and stability/safeness.”
If you could hangout with a celebrity dead or alive who would it be and what would you do:“I’d love to dance with Gaga and Christina.”
What pick up line of yours has the best success rate:“Oh god, I never use pick up lines, but I am cheesy and like to do cheesy things for people I like.”
What type of sunglasses describes you?“Ray-bans, because I really like urban style.”
What is your life motto?“I believe we are all put on this earth for a short amount of time. So we should each live our lives to the fullest.”
Something weird about you:I can jump into a split. Also I’m very outgoing and say whatever is on my mind. I’m that weird kid in the back of the room that’s always giggling.
?What is something you are you proud of:“I am very proud of my confidence and very proud of whom I have become. Today, I am more open. Basically I am very open to finding myself.”
?What is your favorite thing about living in Stillwater?(laughs) “Not a damn thing!  And you can quote me on that.”
?So, do you have a favorite place to eat in this town?Coney Islander.
Do you have any tattoos?“No, but I am getting one going down my side in honor of my brother. It is going to say “lucky you”. Lucky for my health and lucky I’m alive. My twin brother has the same tattoo.”
If you think Josh is as cute as we do make sure to check him out in Oklahoma State University Theaters spring musical “The Drowsy Chaperone”. Showing April 17-22.

Stephanie Taylor is originally from Detroit, Michigan and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma with her parents when she was sixteen. Five years later, she is now a senior at Oklahoma State University majoring in news-editorial with a minor in English. Her three passions are writing, fashion and music. Stephanie loves telling other peoples' stories and seeing her words come to life. In the future, she will be an editor in chief of a young women's magazine and a screenwriter. She currently holds the title of Miss Black OSU and volunteers with different organizations for young women and for mentally and physically disabled young adults. Stephanie has been accused of trying to save the world, which always makes her smile. In response to that, she says she just wants to do all she can with all she has in the time she has on the earth.