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Campus Celebrity – Marcus Gabilheri

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Marcus Gabilheri is a computer science junior at Oklahoma State University. He is also the creator of FitHub, a fitness tracker app that has been downloaded more than 11,000 times through the Google Play store since it became one of the grand prize-winning apps of the Google Fit Developer Challenge earlier this year.

Although app development has always been an interest for Gabilheri, he entered the 2014 OSU App Center contest for the first time as a sophomore and won the grand prize of $5000 for developing the app, Insuring My Life. The 2014 contest saw Gabilheri working with a California-based graphic designer with whom he split the prize money.

For the 2015 OSU App Center contest, Gabilheri struck out on his own, and again, won the grand prize of $4000 for his fitness tracker app, FitHub. The app took off when Google featured it during its Google Fit Developer Challenge among other apps developed by Nike and Adidas. FitHub has a 4.1 star rating at the Google Play store.

Gabilheri is already making waves in the tech industry, and he hopes to one day work with a tech giant like Google or Facebook. He plans to complete his degree at Oklahoma State University, which could result in more prize-winning apps in future OSU App Center contests. He is using his prize money toward FitHub updates and to develop an iOS version in the near future.

The future is bright for Gabilheri, and OSU students should look forward to keeping up with FitHub and future apps from one of their very own.



I'm a first-year grad student at Oklahoma State University. I am involved with communication studies and gender issues. I'm a dog-person, not a cat-person, but only because I'm allergic to cats. I enjoy documentaries on Netflix and my favorite food is every food.