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Campus Celebrity: Connor Terry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

If you’re a lover of the arts, you’ll appreciate all the hard work Oklahoma State University senior psychology major Connor Terry has put into the 2nd annual Autumn Arts Gala, which will take place this year on Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Seretean Center for the Performing Arts.

Connor is serving as the 2015-16 activities chair for the OSU College of Arts & Sciences Student Council (ASSC), which is the position in charge of organizing this amazing fall semester event.

The Plano, Texas, native was recruited by last year’s ASSC president and creator of the Autumn Arts Gala, Forrest Rogers, who saw the unique qualities Connor could provide the ASSC as a non-music major with major music ties.

The Autumn Arts Gala was created by the ASSC to recognize students from the OSU Departments of Art, English, Music and Theatre. Admission is free for anyone who attends.

The Gala will begin with musical, poetic and theatrical performances held in the Seretean Center Concert Hall. It concludes with a reception at the Gardiner Gallery of Art where senior art students’ portfolios will be on exhibit.

“Serving as the activities chair has been a blessing and extremely stressful at the same time,” Connor said. “But the best feeling in the world will be seeing everyone enjoying the event and knowing all the hard work has paid off.”

Connor may be able to relax after the Gala ends, but that doesn’t mean his work as ASSC activities chair is over. Next semester, he’ll also be planning the College of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate 3MT® Competition, which is the ASSC’s big spring research-oriented event.

Her Campus – OK State wishes you the best of luck Connor!


Want to know what to expect at this year’s Autumn Arts Gala? Watch this OStateTV video on last year’s inaugural run.


I'm a first-year grad student at Oklahoma State University. I am involved with communication studies and gender issues. I'm a dog-person, not a cat-person, but only because I'm allergic to cats. I enjoy documentaries on Netflix and my favorite food is every food.