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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

November is here and its time to talk about the craziness of Black Friday. Black Friday is the most frantic national holiday Americans love. Everyone thinks it’s an amazing event but let’s be honest here.

Here are the 5 reasons, you shouldn’t go Black Friday shopping.

1. Overpriced

It may seem like you get the best deals but a real shopper knows the truth. Stores mark up their prices just to “lower” them. Don’t be fooled by the sale ads.


2. Cybermonday exist

The sales aren’t exclusive just to the store. You can still participate from the comfort of your bed.. it’s called cybermonday. Who doesn’t love laying in bed in fuzzy socks while shopping and drinking a good cup of hot chocolate


3. Kiss Family time goodbye

As the years has passed, stores have started their Black Friday sales earlier and earlier. They now begin at 6pm on thanksgiving. Kiss the time to hang out with your cousins goodbye.


4. Unnecessary items

It’s a no brainer that you’ll buy items you believe are important. However, we both know these items will be in a random drawer or closet December 1st. Save your money and time by staying in this year.


5. The Art of Store Fighting

Black Friday brings the art of fighting. Watching a middle age woman fight a grandma over a blender is a very experience that will scar you for life. Save yourself from witnessing traumatizing events and just enjoy your family instead.


Happy Thanksgiving ! ​