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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

1. Revamp your skincare routine

A good skincare routine can boost anyone’s mood. When I feel like my skincare routine is put together I feel like my life is put together. This doesn’t have to be an expensive goal; drug store skin care products are upping their game when it comes to quality. Another fun way to revamp your routine is to DIY some of your own personal products! Maybe have a skin care DIY party!

2. Bust out all of your adorable sweaters

Sweaters are both practical and fashionable. They can add some extra warmth to your day while also being a statement piece for an otherwise average outfit.

3. Have a winter photoshoot and live your fashion-blogger dreams

The snow and cool tones of winter outside can be the perfect time to show off your winter outfits and have a fun time with your friends. I always go to the small towns surrounding my college and find some unique places to showcase.

4.Cozy movie night with your roomies!

My roomies and I do this almost every weekend. There is nothing wrong with taking a day to do absolutely nothing! With the spring semester in full swing and the temperature dropping, a nice night in is an easy and cheap way to boost the mood.

5. Perfect your bath routine

A warm bath is a MUST when the weather is chilly! So, grab a bath bomb and some chill music and find the bath routine that calms those school year stressors