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10 Reasons to be excited about Going Home

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

You’ve already got a list of things you’re looking forward to when you get home. But just in case it hasn’t set in yet, here’s ten you might not have thought of yet.

1. Hanging out with your parents. Originally when you left for school you were probably really pumped about getting some space from your family. But let’s be honest, watching a football game in the living room with your dad is definitely something you’re looking forward to doing.

2. Seeing a movie with friends.Stillwater has a movie theater, and the SUAB puts on double features pretty much all the time, but nothing is really the same as watching Catching Fire or Thor 2 with your friends back home.

3. S’mores in the fireplace. . If you’re living on campus, then you most likely haven’t been near a real, working fireplace all semester. And now that the weather outside is frightful, nothing is going to beat curling up with some marshmallow and chocolatey goodness.

4. Presents. And I don’t just mean the kind you’ll be getting. Tis the season and all that, so you’re probably unreasonably excited about going holiday shopping and picking out the perfect gifts for your friends and family.

5. Ice skating. . While most places in the south don’t get cold enough for outdoor lakes to freeze over, a lot of big malls have rinks. It’s time to celebrate the season with one of the most fun winter traditions. Get a group of friends together and go to the ice rink. You don’t even have to feel bad when the little kids start lapping you.

6. FOOD! If you didn’t get too stuffed at Thanksgiving then you’re probably already planning your first meal back home. There are some restaurants and foods that only your hometown knows how to get just the way you like it. So it’s totally worth it to make that burger or brownie your first stop when you get back.

7. Relaxing. . Admittedly, not everyone is going to have a personal maid when they et home. In most cases you’ll probably have even more responsibility there then you do when you’re at school. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t be distressing. If laundry and dishes are the only chores you have to do at home, then you’re already better off than you felt during exams.

8. Decorations.. Campus gets pretty colorful this time of year. There’s trees and lights up everywhere, even indoors. Still, there are some decorations that just won’t feel the same until you get home. The second you step through the doors at your house and see the flashing lights and special ornaments on the tree, the holiday spirit will really set in.

9. Weather. Granted, not everyone is heading south when the break hits, but you won’t be forced to walk to class in the freezing rain anymore. That cold weather is a lot more exciting from next to a fire, cuddled in a blanket, while sipping hot chocolate. So now, when it finally snows, you’ll be ready instead of dreading the walk and the cold.

10. Christmas morning! Not everyone celebrates Christmas, but whatever holiday you celebrate during the winter always has that one day that means the most. Whether it be the last day of Hanukkah or New Year’s Eve, the holidays are the best parts of break. You’ll finally get to do all those family traditions you’ve been missing for four months. Just try not to get so excited that you cram everything in the first few hours. It’s only one day a year, and then you’ll be back for the spring semester. So make the fun last and enjoy your break.



Strategic Communications major and English minor at Oklahoma State University. Campus Correspondent for the Oklahoma State chapter.