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10 Friends Every Collegiate Should Have

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

By Sarah Eddings 



College is hard. Good friends can help. Make sure you have a variety of girls as your friends to balance out your life.


1. The Mother Hen: This is the friend that’s like the “mom away from mom” at college. She’s always the one you go running to when you need a button sewn back onto your shirt or when you wake up running a fever and need medicine…even at 2 a.m.


2. The Accountability Partner:You love her because you can confide in her and trust her to be brutally honest. She’s always sure to let you know when you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.


3. The Hometown Homie: This is the girl that stayed back home while you went off to college. You don’t necessarily talk to her every single day, but she’s the first one you hit up when you go back home and get sick of listening to your mother lecturing you about your “unhealthy” eating and sleeping habits.


4. The Gossip Girl: If you want to stay in the loop, this girl is your girl. But bewarebecause in most situations IF SHE’LL GOSSIP TO YOU, SHE’LL GOSSIP ABOUT YOU.


5. The “Too Much Fun” Friend: While you may not be able to handle hanging out with this girl every day, she definitely comes in handy. After all, everybody needs a fun weekend out every once in awhile.


6. The Match Maker: She seems to know all the cutest boys and is always willing to set you up with them. This friend will prove to be invaluable during date party season or after a bad breakup when you need to get over your loser ex-boyfriend.


7. The Fashionista: Trendy friends are the best shopping buddies—especially if they just so happen to wear the same size as you.


8. The Therapist: Whether you need to get away and vent about your roommate’s newest annoying habit, or if you just want to discuss your latest scandalous secret, you need to find somebody who knows the meaning of “confidentiality.”


9. The Study Buddy: You can always count on this friend to be up for a productive study session before a big test. She pulls her own weight in the study group by bringing good notes, snacks, or at the very least, a positive attitude.


10. The BFF: Last, but certainly not least, every woman needs a best friend. If you’re lucky, your bestie will have become a combination of all these types of friends over the years.


Friendship is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.—Muhammad Ali