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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

As my time at Ohio University comes to an end, I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on my experiences here over the past four years, and how much I’ve grown as a person. Here’s a collection of lessons I’ve learned and ups and downs that got me to where I am today. Hopefully, all of my experiences and the total 180-degree change that my life has done from freshman year to now can inspire and help those who are beginning their own college journey.

People WILL Come and Go

This is a lesson that I’m sure everyone has to learn in college. When you start meeting friends in your first couple of years, it seems like a magical fairytale where everyone gets along and hangs out every day. While this is amazing, it is important to know that things change, and so do people, and that’s ok! Friends may start to find individual clicks that suit their fancy and their interests, hobbies, and workload may lead them in a new direction in life. People will hurt you, you may even break a few hearts and break off some friendships yourself. In these moments it is crucial to remain positive and understanding of other people’s journeys. Your friends will come, your group will come, those meant to be in your life will always find their way!

Work Hard, Play Harder

This one is SO important. Yes, college is hard. There will be nights where you stay up all night at Alden library finishing your 10-page paper. You may cry after exams that didn’t quite go as planned. But if there was one thing I perfected in college, it was finding balance. Make sure to study all day and still hang out with friends at night. Ace that exam on Friday morning and party on the weekend. College is hard, but it sure is fun. Finding that balance will make all the difference in your college experience, and your sanity.

Get Involved, Branch Out!

This is one that took me some time, and that’s ok. I’ve never been the type to join clubs or organizations out of pure laziness. I have always gotten good grades and I thought that was enough. However, I couldn’t be more grateful for my experiences in some of the clubs and organizations here on campus. The hardest part was attending the first meeting or signing the sign-up sheet. Not to mention, it has saved my resume while applying to jobs post-grad. Discussing these experiences and lessons learned through my campus involvement in interviews have been great for highlighting my leadership and teamwork abilities. I know thinking about post-grad life may seem far too daunting and horrifying as a lower-classmen, but graduation will come, and you will be thankful for getting involved.

Failure is Inevitable, Get Our of Your Comfort Zone

When I was a freshman in college, I was scared. I was scared of virtually everything. Classes, meeting new people, losing old friends and relationships. I was shy and lacked self-sufficiency and confidence. Looking back now, I don’t even know who that person is. Through pushing myself out of my comfort zone in every aspect of life, through trials and errors, failures, heartbreak, failed exams, tears, anger, and everything in between, I truly feel like I am now exactly who I was meant to be. Those horrible life experiences were necessary learning experiences that have built my character and I couldn’t be more grateful for the things that went wrong in order for better things to come. Trust that everything will be ok because it will be.

So thank you, OU. Thank you for the wildest ride of my life.

Jaime is currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development at Ohio University. Although she's from the Jersey shore, you won't find her fist pumping at the club very often. She is extremely passionate about fashion, animals, and the environment. You can almost always find her hanging out her with her cats, shopping at thrift stores, or hiking in the woods!