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Ten remedies for the stresses of college

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

“College: study, party, sleep. Now pick two of the three.” We’ve all heard this saying before. However, by balancing your time and staying organized, this isn’t the way it has to be.
I am currently trying to juggle two part time jobs and a full class load as well as attempting to spend time with my friends and boyfriend without being sleep deprived. Easy? Definitely not. But with a few tips you will be able to balance your life without missing any of the three key concepts in college.  
1.     Write things down and use a planner. This is the number one way you can keep yourself organized. “To manage my time, I make a calendar for each day of the week with all my activities on it. I’m constantly making notes about what needs to get done and feel very accomplished when I cross something off my list,” says Lauren Fett. Fett is a senior education major who is currently trying to balance student teaching, running cross-country, a social life and a long distance boyfriend.
2.     Don’t spread yourself too thin. It’s ok to drop something if you feel overwhelmed, whether that is lowering your work hours or dropping one of the electives you’re taking. You can’t succeed in anything if you’re just trying to get by in everything.
3.     Stay organized. Label your folders and notebooks and keep each class’s assignments and notes in one area.
4.     Don’t procrastinate. Complete assignments when they’re assigned rather than the night before they’re due. This will save you many headaches in the long run and your sleep-deprived mind will thank you when it doesn’t have to pull an all-nighter. “Make sure to bring extra work with you if you have a class you know lets out early some days. This way you can complete some reading instead of wasting a half-hour watching YouTube videos in Alden,” says Alisha Estabrook. Estabrook is a junior public relations major currently balancing two part-time jobs, a leadership role in The Jitterbug Club, a social life and being an RA. 
5.     Know your priorities. Before you decide to go to Liquor Pitcher night at Lucky’s on Wednesday, decide if it’s more important than your 8 a.m. lecture. You don’t want to wake up Thursday morning unable to attend class and regret your decision to go out.
6.     Break up large projects. We all know how difficult it is to try to complete a 10-page research paper in one sitting. So why even try to do this. Break up the project into one to two hour intervals and give yourself a break between sections.
7.     Set goals and deadlines. Tell yourself you have to finish your physics homework before you all watch Pretty Little Liars. This way, you will work harder to complete your homework on time so you can reward yourself with things like your favorite TV shows.
8.     Make time for things you enjoy. If one of your favorite hobbies is going to Cardio Dance at Ping, make sure you schedule that into your day.
9.     SLEEP! EAT HEALTHY! If you’re nourishing your body incorrectly or depriving it of sleep, your grades can and will suffer.
10.Set boundaries. Don’t let school and work overtake your life. Decide what time you want to finish your work by each night so you can relax alone or with your friends. You don’t want to burn all your bridges simply because you couldn’t find a free hour a few times a week. 

Hillary Johns is a Senior at Ohio University majoring in magazine journalism in the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, with a split specialization in French and sociology. She is beyond excited to be a part of the Her Campus Team! She can often be found with her nose stuck in a book, most likely Harry Potter, or writing her own adventures. Hillary has a deep love of travelling and her favorite place in the world in Boston, MA. She hopes to someday pursue a career in communications and journalism.