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Rufus the Bobcat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

When it comes to school spirit, the only other way to show it (besides student involvement) is through the school’s mascot.

Rufus the Bobcat, the Ohio University mascot, is the epitomy of school spirit. From football to basketball to volleyball games, Rufus always makes an appearcance and gets the crowd loud and ready for game time. He can be seen riding out onto the football field on a chromed-out motorcycle or on top of a horse in the Homecoming parade. When it comes to Ohio University, Rufus is the man!

In recent years, he was the center of a university scandal when he chose to tackle Ohio State University mascot Brutus Buckeye during the OU vs. OSU game in 2010. While this is not one of the school’s prouder moments of Rufus, we have to admit we appreciate his spirit against one of our bigger in-state rivals. Ohio State University may claim that they’re the best university in Ohio, but they have to remember that Ohio University was the first public university in the state, therefore making us Ohio, the State University.


Rufus gear can be found in all university bookstores in Uptown Athens, OH. Some of the most popular items are buttons that feature slogans like, ‘What Would Rufus Do?’, ‘Raise The Rufus’, and ‘Rufus is my Homeboy’. He’s also featured on many t-shirts and students, faculty, alumni, and families alike can buy a winter hat that features Rufus ears. 

Rufus is also the star of a children’s book. The book, Hello Rufus! is about Rufus’s adventure on the Ohio University campus. It can be found in bookstores in Uptown Athens. 

Ohio University’s Rufus the Bobcat is a celebrity no doubt. When you see him out and about in Athens, be sure to give him a high- I mean, paw-five!

Junior Journalism major and Junior editor at Ohio University.