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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Well it’s prom season; and as a college student that now means creeping on my high school friends Facebook pages to see the abundance of tacky prom dresses, or as I affectionately call them: prom bombs.

What has happened to prom dress fashion in just the last few years? Is it just me or has there been a serious decline in taste level with these “modern day” fashions? I put modern day in quotes because most of the dresses that I see making their way into my friend’s Facebook albums make the girls look like circa 1984 puff pastries sans the shoulder pads and elbow gloves (I think we can all agree those trends are not making a comeback).

There are a couple of trends that are expected to be popular this prom season: high-low dresses and bold printed dresses. Now to be clear, I have nothing against the trends themselves; it is how the trends are executed that makes me cringe. The high-low dress, deemed the ‘mullet’ dress, features a short skirt in the front with a longer train in the back. Here is a laughable example of bad execution of this trend:

Printed dresses can be so unique and really cute, however I have yet to see a cute printed prom dress mostly because the prints are overwhelming enough without the loads of sequins or intense ruffles that often accompany the print. Exhibit A:

Even though these dress designs are tacky and offensive they do provide some great entertainment. So enjoy prom season everyone, and may you have the good sense to never wear one of these dresses.

Taylor is a graduate of Ohio University and former Co-Editor of Her Campus' OU branch. She would like to eventually work in the publishing industry with hopes of living in New York, San Francisco or Seattle. In her free time, Taylor enjoys reading, volunteering, or hitting up the most hipster joints in town.