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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

On Friday, February 21, it was announced that the iconic sitcom ‘Friends’ is officially set to have a reunion special on HBO Max, a streaming service that will debut this May. This special will jumpstart the release of the new streaming service, which will house the entire series, which was removed from Netflix in January.

On Instagram, each of the beloved cast members posted an old promo photo with the exact same caption: “It’s happening.” Instantly, social media and news sites have gone viral with this exciting news, as the premise of a ‘Friends’ reboot has been a popular request amongst fans for years as the show has gained new audiences through its prior run on Netflix.

There are very little details as to what the reunion special will include, nor has the specific format been released. There are speculations that it will be unscripted, which, personally, I feel would be a problematic choice.

My thoughts on this reunion are generally positive. I think ‘Friends’ is a very appropriate show to have a reunion, especially with its simple subject matter of friends growing together over the years through tribulations in their personal lives–like their jobs and their relationships.

Even though I’m not overly ecstatic when it comes to reboots, I think a one-time reunion is acceptable–where you can see where these characters that you’ve known and loved have ended up, how their lives have changed, and how their personalities have evolved. 

However, I have some issues with the reunion. Firstly, the fact that it’s on HBO Max, an entirely new streaming service that will require a whole new subscription just to view this reunion, that nearly everyone will want to see. And, I think that’s the bottom line–I can complain about having to spend money for a new subscription service, but I’m still going to do it just to see how this special pans out. 

My other concern is whether the comedic elements will be successful years later. I have full confidence in the writing and acting abilities since they withstood 10 years in their initial run, (still with substantial hiccups along the way) but I am concerned about whether the humor will evolve with the time that has passed. The jokes cannot be exactly the same, because the show ended nearly 16 years ago. For the reunion to be successful, it will have to adapt a little to the modern times, as well as to the ages and current situations of the characters. 

All in all, as a ‘Friends’ fan, I’m still excited for the reunion, and I hope it is fulfilling in as best as it possibly can. 

There are some questions, however that need to be answered in the reunion:

  1. Where are the characters living now?

  2. Did Rachel and Ross get married? Did they have any kids? 

  3. How have Monica and Chandler been as parents?

  4. Did Phoebe and Mike ever have kids?

  5. Did Joey ever find a stable acting job?

  6. Did Joey ever get married?

I guess I’ll just have to find out in May. 

Lauren Serge

Ohio U '23

Lauren Serge is currently a senior at Ohio University, majoring in Journalism and specializing in Marketing and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is the current President and Co-Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus OU chapter. She enjoys writing, walking, spending time with her family, friends, and her dog, as well as catching up on her many favorite tv shows.