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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Within the past few weeks, I have heard from numerous people that it is “ridiculous” or “not worth it” to date in college. Honestly, I think that is the furthest from the truth. I think college is the time we are supposed to not only find ourselves but also meet new people and learn to love others. So many people are caught up in the hook-up culture and the “talking stage” they never open their heart or find anything meaningful. Maybe everyone’s scared of getting hurt? Trust me, I know it is so much easier to say “men are trash” than admit to yourself you have feelings for a guy that sends mixed signals. So as you can guess, the dating game hasn’t been the easiest thing for me this year. so here is a playlist of songs that remind me of the love lives of my friends and myself. Even if these songs don’t relate to your own love life, they’re still bangers. Give them a listen.

Darian Berdysz is an Ohio University graduate. While at school, she studied Communications, Marketing, and Social Media at the Scripps College of Communications. She was also involved with Thread Magazine, Ohio Multimedia Society was a Communication Executive for University Program Council and the Vice President of Students Professionals of Communication Studies. Darian enjoys dancing and singing at every chance she gets, traveling, and spending time with her friends.