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Let’s time travel back to spring break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

When I walked out of the Front Room Monday afternoon, I was shocked by the crowd assembled in front of Baker. But when I realized there was a legit DeLorean parked in the center of the crowd my inner geek had a field day. The prop was a great way to start spring quarter off right, but I couldn’t help wanting to jump in and travel back to spring break. 

Got to love the license plate,”2 Z FTURE”

Students mill around the DeLorean, one student gets to sit in the prop.

Hillary Johns is a Senior at Ohio University majoring in magazine journalism in the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, with a split specialization in French and sociology. She is beyond excited to be a part of the Her Campus Team! She can often be found with her nose stuck in a book, most likely Harry Potter, or writing her own adventures. Hillary has a deep love of travelling and her favorite place in the world in Boston, MA. She hopes to someday pursue a career in communications and journalism.