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Getting Ready To Go Out When You’re Not Girly

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Getting ready to go out is something that college girls both love and hate — some girls just hate it a little bit more. As someone whose closet is made up predominantly of Nike running shorts and oversized T-shirts and could not tell you the difference between foundation and concealer (seriously what’s the difference? Is there a difference? I’m 20 years old and still don’t know), the task of picking out a presentable outfit and doing my makeup seems like a huge chore. So, on a typical weekend, here are the thoughts running through my head:



Can I just wear sweatpants out?

Well, l managed to put on jeans, so I better get a ton of compliments on how nice I’m looking.

All of my friends look like they just stepped out of a catalog. How is is possible for you to just pull that out of the back of your closet?

I am just praying that no one asks for my opinion because I have no idea what fashion is.  

Well, after a seventh attempt at winged eyeliner, I am officially out of makeup remover.

And how does contouring work? Am I expected to do that?

I literally don’t own any tops besides T-shirts.  

Holy shit — how is everyone else so good at this? When did every girl learn how to apply makeup, and did I just miss the boat?

Should I wear heels tonight?

LOL, hell no I’m not wearing heels tonight, or any other night for that matter.

Well this is as good as it’s going to get. I’m not looking too bad.

I still can’t wait to get back in my sweatpants.

(All gifs courtesy of giphy.com)

Ohio University Class of 2018 | Psychology major West Virginia native now living in Athens. I love traveling, eating junk food and quoting The Office. You'll probably find me yelling at a TV while watching football. 
Just a quirky fashion journalist trying to get it right!