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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

From the pumpkin cream dirty chai’s to carving pumpkins and binging halloween movies for 2 months straight, fall is my favorite season. There is an almost endless number of ways to celebrate and experience fall. Here’s my A-Z list of the best things to do this fall.

Apples, apples, apples

Bake an apple pie, drink an apple crisp shaken espresso, go apple picking, make your own apple cider, make candied apples, or even set up a water bucket and bob for them.

BOGO Fall drinks at starbucks

Every Thursday Starbucks has BOGO fall drinks. Sadly The Front Room doesn’t participate, so you’ll have to walk down to court or take the bus over to Kroger.

Costume picking

Halloween is a very exciting time of year for all ages, elementary and college level. Picking out costumes for your group or even just yourself is such a big portion of the fun.


My personal favorite part of fall is the decorations. Dollar General is my go-to for seasonal decorating. They have the cutest little things for so cheap. Halloween Squishmallows will be put up EVERYWHERE.

eat halloween candy

Eating candy around Halloween has no age limit, and there’s just something so fun about a pumpkin shaped Reese’s Cup or an orange KitKat.

farmers markets

Fall is a great time to go to local farmers markets and get some fresh produce for all your favorite fall recipes. It’s also just a nice environment to see what local vendors are growing and selling.

Gratitude list

With thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s a good time of year to reflect on everything good that came to you this year and all that you are grateful for.

haunted everything

If you like a little bit of a scare, go to haunted houses, haunted corn mazes or haunted trails.

indulge in everything pumpkin

I’ve been trying to incorporate pumpkin into every recipe I’ve made this fall. Pumpkin and other squashes can be delicious, sweet, and savory. The possibilities are really endless.


Whether you prefer painting or carving, decorating pumpkins is always a fun little craft to do with friends or family. If you want your pumpkins perfect for trick or treat night, don’t carve them too early.


Knitting and crocheting little scarves and sweaters are fun and rewarding ways to pass the time. I started crocheting recently and am going to try to make an entire blanket soon.

leaf piles

You are never too old to whip out a rake and create a giant leaf pile to jump into.

Movie nights

I’m extremely biased by my love of fall, but Halloween movies are elite. It’s the perfect season to curl up in a warm blanket and binge watch all your favorite Halloween movies.

nature hikes

There are so many gorgeous paths to hike in Athens, especially in fall. All the leaves are changing colors and falling. Fall weather is perfect hiking weather.


Go to a beer garden and enjoy the delicious German foods while listening to music and just having a good time.

Pumpkin patches

My all-time favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patches, picking out pumpkins, drinking apple cider in every form, and going through different barns with decorations.

Make a blanket

DIY blankets have been trending on TikTok. People tie different pieces of fabric together with a friend or significant other to make matching blankets.

pumpkin run

Many towns host an annual 5-10k run where participants can hold a pumpkin. It’s much more appealing to run during the cooler fall months.


Fall is the best season to make a nice, warm delicious bowl of soup.


Fall season is football season, so go out there and cheer on your favorite teams!

use new recipes

I don’t know if I’ve made it clear: I love the food in fall. Pick up some seasonal ingredients and make some new recipes you’ve never tried before.

volunteer at the food bank

Fall is also an incredible time to give back to those in need. Whether you’re donating food to help people have a Thanksgiving or volunteering to cook, it’s a great idea to help out if you’re able.

watching gilmore girls

I feel like fall is Gilmore Girls time. Gilmore Girls is such a comforting and sweet show. I am 100% team Logan.

Gilmore Girls walking through Fall Festival
Warner Bros. Television
x is for mix

Mix up some fun and tasty fall mocktails or cocktails for yourself and friends.

Fruity Drinks
Breanna Coon / Her Campus

Yams or sweet potatoes have a perfect fall flavor. From the delicious sweet potato casserole with marshmallows melted on top to crispy sweet potato fries, they’re just perfect.

Pumpkin Pie Side
Jocelyn Hsu / Spoon

Go to a petting zoo! Typically pumpkin patches have a little petting zoo inside. It’s so cute watching the animals eat the little pellets out of your hands.

freshman psych major at Ohio University. a cancer sun, capricorn moon, and sagittarius rising who loves matcha lattes, pop culture, reading, and music