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13 Things To Love About Taylor Swift’s Netflix Documentary

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

On January 31, Netflix dropped a new documentary titled “Miss Americana,” a documentary following the career of artist, Taylor Swift, navigating her stardom and her skewed public image over the years.

The documentary was fascinating, and whether or not you’re a major fan of hers, there was a lot to applaud in regards to the documentary’s content, and the messages it contained.

Here are 13 things that made the documentary so poignant, emotional, and entertaining.

The behind-the-scenes looks at her songwriting preparation

This was truly fascinating to watch as the process seemed so stressful, yet so rewarding. Whether or not every song of hers is incredible, it’s amazing to know that she writes every one herself, and being able to see that work on screen was very interesting. 

The excerpts from her diary and old footage

Swift read her childhood diary and shared clips from her younger days at home performing personal concerts for her family. These scenes were incredibly wholesome and nostalgic, and the aspirations she wrote in her diary were reflective of her present career.

Understanding the image she felt she was forced to follow

This was prominent in the pages she read from her diary, and Swift mentioned how this mentality contributed to how she thought she had to behave in the limelight.

Her newfound positivity surrounding her body image

For the first time, Swift publicly discussed her experiences having an eating disorder. She opened up about how she would frequently see social media images of herself and resort to starving herself after feeling negatively toward them. The positive element of this was Swift’s acknowledgement of this problem, as she states that she feels better having now gained weight and building confidence in herself.

Opening up about her public image and her disappearance

Aside from difficulties with her physical appearance, Swift elaborated on the countless times the public has scrutinized her personally–whether regarding her relationships or celebrity feuds. The documentary spotlighted her emotional reactions to public hate after #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty was repeatedly trending on Twitter. Swift explained her hiatus, and that these events inspired her “Reputation” album.

Her noble reaction to the Grammy snub

After releasing her “Reputation” album, the documentary showed Swift receiving the news that she did not receive any Grammy award nominations. Despite the disappointment, Swift’s reaction was graceful and determined, saying simply that she “needed to make a better album” and she began her work on “Lover.”

Her honest elaboration on the Kanye West drama

Unless you lived under a rock, it’s doubtful you missed the conflicts between her and Kanye West that took place at the 2009 VMAs and then in 2016 regarding West using misogynistic language about Swift in his song “Famous.” The documentary highlighted Swift’s side of the issue, where we got to see how she felt attacked and disliked by the public.

Her message to victims after the sexual assault trial

In 2017, Swift sued DJ David Mueller for groping her, a case which she won. The impact of this trial on her was shown to be very meaningful, as she processed how lucky she was to be believed, while so many other victims are not. This inspired Swift to vocalize such concerns at her concert and influenced a political decision.

Using her platform

After the impact of the trial’s results, Swift decided she could no longer be silent about political issues that were important to her. For years, she had made no comments regarding political topics, and the documentary displays her difficult, yet meaningful decision to publicize her opinions, and encourages young individuals to vote.

Acknowledgement of her fleeting success

Swift recognizes the prominent issue in the music industry, mentioning that she feels her fame will diminish as she gets older, and especially, being an older woman in the industry.

The focus, and lack thereof, of her relationship

While “Lover” alluded very directly to Swift’s relationship with Joe Alwyn, the documentary does not show him, but rather, depicts her newfound happiness surrounding her relationship. This was much more impactful as a viewer, because it centered on her personal development, instead of depending on a reference to her current boyfriend.

Support from her family and friends

Another wholesome addition to the film is the prevalent support of Swift’s family–especially her mother–as well as close friends, including Abigail, the friend who was iconically featured in Swift’s song “Fifteen” in 2008.

Her cats!

And, maybe the best part overall, was seeing Swift’s adorable cats–who get to accompany her on her travels, and even get to be fed at her kitchen table. 

Lauren Serge

Ohio U '23

Lauren Serge is currently a senior at Ohio University, majoring in Journalism and specializing in Marketing and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is the current President and Co-Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus OU chapter. She enjoys writing, walking, spending time with her family, friends, and her dog, as well as catching up on her many favorite tv shows.