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Overcoming Your Imposter Syndrome

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ODU chapter.

As a junior in college, I face imposter syndrome quite frequently despite constant reassurance from both my peers, professors and advisors. While it is not an easy feeling to deal with and can feel like a burden to your own self-worth as a professional, there are steps you can take to remind yourself of your progress and professional achievements. Here are my five best tips for tackling your imposter syndrome!

  1. Take a Stroll Down Memory Lane

This stroll will be more of a click and scroll, and memory lane is your computer’s files. I often forget about ALL the coursework I have completed during the course of my college career. To combat this, I created my own ePortfolio where I store almost all of the assignments I’ve completed within my discipline. Utilizing five minutes of my day to take a peek at all of my most prized work always gives me a confidence boost. An ePortfolio is also the perfect attachment to your resume so employers can see all of the topics and skills you have worked on in one place. Apps, such as Wix and Squarespace, offer a multitude of different templates and design options to create an ePortfolio fit to your personality. 

  1. Tackle a New Opportunity

I have found that one of the best ways to ease my imposter syndrome is to take on a new challenge. This might be going to an event, finding chances to network or taking on a new role. One of my favorite pieces of advice is to apply for things you do not feel qualified for. Sometimes this can just be your mind tricking you into thinking you are not ready, when in reality, employers want to give students out of the classroom opportunities to build onto the skills you already have and bring new ideas to their company! For example, each semester of my junior year, I chose to add a new role, whether a club leadership role or internship, to help enhance my skills further. 

  1. Refine Your Professional Documents

Updating your resume, CV, portfolio, etc. to showcase and highlight your most recent accomplishments is an excellent reminder of how you are growing as a professional. I update mine typically once mid-semester and again at the end of the semester to ensure my classes, internships and other extracurriculars have current information. I keep all my old versions on hand to refer back to if I catch myself thinking I am underperforming by my own standards. 

  1. Be Your Own Teacher

There are so many things I still want to learn, but unfortunately, not everything can fit into my four years nor does my school offer some of the topics I am interested in. Between finding educational books, watching video lessons or even following TikTokers who have successful careers in my desired fields, I make it a priority to learn more each day to enhance my skills and connect to what I am learning in the classroom. My personal favorite platform to use for additional learning opportunities is LinkedIn Learning! Like my previous article on the ins and outs of networking, LinkedIn is also amazing for connecting with industry professionals who can share more about the specific topics or the current landscape of your career field. 

  1. Finally, Take a Deserved Break

It is easier said than done, but stop doubting yourself! Take a mental health day to ease your mind from all your negative thoughts. Catch up on a book you have been meaning to read, take your dog for a walk or simply lay down for a midday nap. You deserve it. 

Remember, college is not easy, and if you did not put in hard work you would not have ended up where you are. You got this!

Hello! My name is Emily Harrison! I'm currently a junior at Old Dominion University studying strategic communication and marketing. I find joy in sharing my experience in relationship building, professional development and the journey of being college student.