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Five Self-Help Books to Read to Start off 2022 with Success

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ODU chapter.

No one has their life completely together and that is completely fine! Hopefully any, or all, of these books will help provide encouragement and tips for becoming a better you this year. However, don’t be discouraged if you do not reach every goal you set for yourself. The purpose of self-help is to make progress, not to be perfect.

“Eat that Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time” by Brian Tracy

With over 1.5 million copies sold, this bestseller will help you end all procrastination and build effective habits. The title of the book comes from a saying that, “if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long.” Each chapter provides insight into how to stop procrastinating, set and achieve goals, complete tasks, plan for the near and far future, practice time management and become the most successful version of yourself. At the end of each chapter, there are two challenges to apply to your life immediately or to focus on for a set period of time in order to form a good habit. This book helps you recognize what you want, whether that be today or in five years, and start going after it!

“Can’t Stop Thinking: How to Let Go of Anxiety & Free Yourself from Obsessive Rumination” by Nancy Colier

If you are an overthinker or an anxious person like I am, this book might be for you. It gives a psychotherapist’s insight into how to reframe circular thinking patterns. If you worry about things to the point where you feel overwhelmed or you feel like your brain is spiraling and you feel out of control of your own thoughts, this might be able to provide you with some helpful tools and advice to manage your rumination and work on finding peace within yourself and your mind. This book is a great place to start if you are beginning to notice stress and anxiety becoming a daily issue in your life, but be sure to consider meeting with a counselor as well. Whether you think you need it or not, professional help is for everybody and it’s a great way to learn how to put the advice in this book to use!

“No More Assholes: Your 7 Step Guide to Saying Goodbye to Guys and Finding the Real Man You’re Looking For” by Chantal Heide

In the new year, we are not going to settle for anything less than we deserve. Although this book is aimed towards straight women, most of the advice given can be applied to anyone looking to set boundaries, prepare for healthy interactions and connections, and attract compatible, desirable relationships. You can improve your interpersonal relationships, whether they be romantic, platonic, familial or professional by using some of the skills laid out in this text. Learn how to communicate what you want to yourself and to the world, starting with this book. As for those who are looking to improve your relationship with yourself, keep reading to the next recommendation. 

“Self-Love Workbook for Women: Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are” by Megan Logan, MSW, LCSW

If you are on a journey of finding love within yourself this coming year, try this self-love workbook. No matter where you are on your self acceptance and appreciation journey, taking time to practice and perfect having a positive relationship with your inner and outer self can always be improved upon. By using the techniques, affirmations and introspective activities in this workbook, you can begin a fresh start of mental health growth in the year ahead. Your most important relationship is your relationship with yourself!

“It’s Not Common Cent$: A 30-Day Personal Finance Crash Course for College Students and Young Adults. How to Manage Money, Save Money Fast, Pay off Debt, and Invest in the Stock Market.” 

Like most young adults, you may feel like you missed something, as others in your life seem to have their finances all figured out. By reading this book, you can get a better grasp on all things money to start off with an informed new year plan. Personal finance can be difficult if you do not know where to start, but this book breaks down the finance lingo and the big ideas into digestible information to get you on top of your money and on the right track.

Success and self-love is a lifelong journey! One goal to start with can be to take time for yourself and read a book from this list. Be kind to yourself in the coming year and good luck with moving toward your goals!

I'm an Old Dominion University student majoring in English/Journalism. I am passionate about fashion, beauty, volunteering, and promoting positivity!