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Your Ultimate Spring Break Style Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.


I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty bored with my closet full of black, gray, and navy winter clothes. This past weekend’s sunshine and warmer weather had me pulling some of my spring wardrobe favorites out and ever since, I can’t stop thinking about what I’m going to wear on spring break! I never have enough room in my suitcase, so I’m planning on taking advantage of Rent the Runway’s amazing “ship to my destination” promotion. Yes, Rent the Runway will actually ship your dress directly to your spring break destination (within the continental U.S.)- talk about convenient! With midterms and everything else going on, I haven’t had a spare second to think about what I want to pack; so incase you’re scrambling for outfit ideas too, here is a spring break fashion guide, by location.


Miami is a major fashion capital with many cultural influences and a lot of history, and the fashion trends are just as energetic as the cit- think bright colors and trendy patterns, exposed skin, but above all, think about staying cool! This year ULTRA overlaps with our Spring break, so if you’re going to Miami, prepare yourself for some crazy outfits. South Beach and Miami already have a unique style and vibe, but when you add ULTRA to the mix, the colors get even brighter, and the outfits even skimpier. For a night out in Miami, try Haute Hippie’s Purple Rage Dress (L) or Opening Ceremony’s Cat Call Dress (R).
Both of these pieces have open backs and are slouchy and flow-y in shape- this is ideal for a warm evening out.


Key West is more casual and laidback than Miami, and so is the fashion sense. It has its own style influenced by the natural surroundings and old beach town vibe. You’ll be surrounded by green palm trees, blue skies, and pink and yellow buildings (and hoards of other spring breakers), so why not let these shades inspire your outfit? If you’re taking a break from the beach and exploring the town, throw on the Shoshanna Tribal Flair Dress (L).  In the Keys, your sun dress can carry you into the night, try this racer-back Rebecca Taylor Mai Tai Time (R) dress to look casual and put together for a night out in town.


If you chose a trip to the ski slopes over the beach, you might be better suited in a dress with a litter more… substance to it. Try a dress with sleeves, or that is made out of thicker fabric to be on point with the style and climate of your destination. While many ski towns are laid back casual, you can still look nice for a dinner out in town. Try this Rebecca Taylor Work Hard Play Hard (L) dress. (Its material has a jersey-esque appearance which gives it a casual vibe) or Milly Edie Zag Sheath (R) which looks casual cool thanks to its T-shirt style cut. Both dresses can be easily paired with tights and flat boots to make them even more casual (and warmer).


The Hamptons– If you’re lucky enough to have a friend with a house in the Hamptons, or even in Martha’s Vineyard, you might not need to go as far for an “escape”. While these destinations are most popular in the warmer months, they are just as relaxing (if not more relaxing because they’ll be less crowded) this time of year. The style in the Hamptons is chic and classic- looking polished without looking like you tried too hard. June and July are ruled by airy eyelets, nautical stripes, and crisp whites, but it is still a bit too chilly to pull out a Lilly Pulitzer sun dress or shorts. Try these cooler weather options instead: Erin by Erin Fetherston Lace Lane Shift (L), or the TIBI Babbet Lace Shift Dress (R) for dinner out.


Stephanie is in the class of 2014 at New York University studying Journalism and Dramatic Writing. She is currently a production intern at NBC News, after previously interning at ABC News. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus NYU, she is also an entertainment and lifestyle blogger for Seventeen Magazine and a contributing writer for USA TODAY and The Huffington Post, as well as a member of the MTV Insights team. Stephanie loves Broadway and performing in musical theatre, as well as shopping, singing, and playing the piano. Follow her NYC adventures on Twitter at @StephanieJBeach.