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Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

March is Women’s History Month. Woohoo! It’s a chance to highlight all of the amazing women (and to clarify, when I say women I mean every kind of woman. Anyone who identifies as a woman. Because we’re all in this together sister.) who have risked and devoted their lives to fight for equal rights for women. I always believe that in order to understand what we have left to do in our march towards equality, we can always learn from those whose shoulders we stand on. Here are some ways in which you can celebrate this month and educate yourself about the miraculous journey it took to get to where we are now. 

Much to my dismay, Spotify has no spotlight for podcasts that could pertain to Women’s History Month. No need to fear. I took it upon myself to create such a list. Check out these podcasts to celebrate the iconic women of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

  • The History Chicks. 

    • This podcast started in 2011 and is still going strong today! No need to worry that you’ll run out of content to listen to here. If you feel like you didn’t get nearly enough education in school about the women that shaped our country, this podcast discusses a new woman in each episode and we learn all about her life. It ranges from women like Marie Antionette to Ella Fitzgerald. Maybe try picking an episode about a woman you’ve never heard of, and dive right in. 

  • Dear White Women 

    • This podcast tackles race and gender identity issues throughout history and in today’s world. In the first episode the hosts Sara and Misasha address that they focus their conversations in two aspects: systematically/historically, and then personally. It’s a great way to look at prominent issues today and look back at what systems in our society they have derived from. They discuss so many issues, you have to read through the episode list to believe it. 

  • The Bitchery of History

    • Hosts Max Kirkham and Allison Powell are best friends who are sifting through history to find herstory. Specifically, to find the women history books tried to make sure we’d never hear about… it has a fun vibe because of their dynamic being best friends. If you’re in the mood to laugh a little too while you learn about the women our history curriculums conveniently forgot about, start this up. 

  • InCharge

    • This is brand new! Diane Von Furstenberg just started her own podcast called InCharge where she will sit down and have conversations with women who are, well the title says it, in charge. While this is less about history from the 1800s per say, we could call this modern history. The first episode is out with Kris Jenner as a guest. I for one can’t wait to listen to what they have to say. 

If you’re ready for a girls night in this weekend, consider these movies for your watchlist with your pals: 

  • Iron Jawed Angels

    • Hilary Swank as the suffragette Alice Paul? Don’t mind if I do. It’s labeled as a docudrama, and has historically accurate elements to it (and as expected it’s dramatized, but the core of the film is historically accurate and truly moving).  

  • Hidden Figures 

    • This film is based on a historical event and is identified as a drama (rather than a docudrama).  With Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monae playing three women who worked at NASA during the space race and made major contributions to helping NASA be the first to land on the moon. It’s. So. Good. 

  • Little Women 

    • There’s many versions of Louisa May Alcott’s classic novel, but I gotta say, Greta Gerwig’s 2019 screen adaptation is my favorite. She stays true to the original heart of the story while subtly making it relevant to the female viewer today. If you didn’t get the chance to see it in theaters, movie night time! If you did get the chance…still movie night time! 

Lastly, take a moment to reach out to a woman who has shaped you, helped you, or supported you in any way. Let them know how much they have influenced your life. It could be a professor, a mentor, your mother, your sister, your best friend. Take a minute to say hey, you have helped make me who I am today and I am grateful for you. 

On the other hand, see how you can support other women. Whether this means donating to a charity whose goal is to help women in some way (there are so many ways! The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a great one, and 1 in 4 women are affected by domestic violence. Donate here). Support your fellow gal pal’s projects, endeavors, advocate and raise awareness about the cool stuff they’re doing on your social media, and most importantly: celebrate this month by showing up for each other. 

Have a wonderful, safe, and healthy (wash your hands!) Women’s History Month.


Emma is a Senior at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, majoring in Theatre and minoring in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology! A lover of New York City, Audrey Hepburn, and museums, she loves writing and sharing stories with others.
Senior at NYU studying English and Journalism. Big fan of conspiracy theories, superheroes, and good coffee.