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TV’s Best Boyfriends: From Fall and Beyond

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

There’s always that weird sensation of watching a total stranger on TV and realizing that you can totally date them.  They’re not real men, but they really have all the qualities you can go for, things that that other girl in the show just doesn’t get because, hey, she’s missing out on the sensitive screen-time this guy has revealing his soft side, his boyfriend side.  Here are a few upcoming televised who, despite their fiction, would probably get a hell of a lot of traffic on their OkCupid profiles.


Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad

Okay, I realize that Breaking Bad is ending for good soon; I realize that the huge hype will be soon be over and Aaron Paul’s career will most likely never be the same again.  But going into the show I was warned of three things: how much I would hate Skyler, how emotionally invested I would get into each of the characters, and Jesse’s blue eyes.  Despite the whole drug dealing-using thing, Jesse Pinkman cuddles.  He’s big on cuddling, he enjoys the company of girls while playing Mario Karts, doesn’t mind going to see art he doesn’t understand, and cooks not just meth, but breakfast (forgetting the coffee, but that’s okay).  Obviously there’s more to this man than the meth bowl.

Evan Peter’s characters from American Horror Story, particularly Tate

Let’s get one thing straight:  Tate is a freak.  This is a well-known fact that would dissuade any sane girl from dating him.  However, for those who remain in the dark and ignores the fact that he slept with his ex’s mother and fathered twins (and whose dad also happens to be his psychiatrist), Tate is just as lovable and kind as any grungy teenager can get.  He puts a lady’s feelings in front of his own, protects her from outside offenses, and only does horrible things because a mother-figure was in need.  Not only that, but he has medical knowledge in the fact he knows how to deal with overdosing as well as coming to the defense of his little sister.  Maniac aside, those are some well-rounded qualities you could take home to your parents. 


Dracula from Dracula

Here’s the obvious: it’s Jonathan Rhys-Meyers.  Let’s bring in another point: it’s Jonathon Rhys-Myers.  In the upcoming series Dracula, Mr. Meyers is playing the title character of the Count who, upon entering Victorian London society, posses as the patron of sciences when he actually just wants to find a couple of necks to bite.  Aside from obvious reasons as to why this can be taken as a good thing, there are some other reasons why Dracula wouldn’t be all that bad to go out with. For one thing, you know he’s committed; in the show Dracula runs into a dilemma when he runs into the reincarnation of his wife, so apparently for him it’s death do them part, then a little bit afterwards.  He also has a classy flair for taking a girl out on the town and can pull off a top hat, which is extremely hard to do.    


Darryl Dixon from Walking Dead

Kindly peel your eyes from those arms and go over some of Darryl’s more substantial qualities: he’s crafty, he’s diligent, and he’s fiercely loyal.  He also doesn’t mind being the bad guy for good things to happen, like some sort of backwater Bruce Wayne, and can still somehow manage to be sexy even when it looks like he hasn’t washed for three days straight.  You may have some issues with contesting with his families, though, but in the end Darryl will come around, seating you down on the back of his motorbike while draping you in that fashionable poncho of his.   


Ichabod Crane from The Hollow

I refuse to endorse this show.  Absolutely refuse.  It looks terrible, both acting-wise and script-wise and my hopes for it is that it doesn’t make it passed the first two weeks (although I wished the same thing for The Secret Life of the American Teenager, God only knows when that show is going to end).  The show’s only saving grace, however, is the face of Ichabod Crane.  Being transported from the 1700s to the modern era, although out of the ordinary, is a surefire guarantee that this guy will have old-fashioned doctrines of chivalry ingrained into his courting skills (although he may not necessarily know how to pay with credit). 


The Young Doctor/ Doctor in The Young Doctor’s Notebook

First get over the fact that Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe are both, together, as the same person, are appearing in a show together.  Now take into account how wonderfully interesting it would be to date a Russian doctor that looks like Jon Hamm/Daniel Radcliffe.  In the show, he’s curious but persistent, not exactly knowing what he’s doing but willing to adapt to the situation.  So no matter the ups and downs, the Young Doctor will try to remedy it, all the while knowing how to prevent the common cold in the midst of a winter in a country notorious for deplorably cold weather.  


Stuart Pritchard in Hello Ladies

Looks can only get a guy so far, but when a guy has a sense of humor, the ante is most definitely upped.  With looks and a great sense of humor, Stephen Merchant and his new show devoted to the failures of dating deserve a spot on the TV boyfriend list.  Sure, according to him each of his conquests of willing womanly pursuits have each come crashing to the ground, but a little humility is always a good thing, especially when it’s accompanied by a wit coming from the co-creator of the office.  The only thing that may be potentially problematic is the fact that’s he’s almost seven feet tall, but hey, better too much then too little.  

Along with hummus, coffee, and Jon Hamm, Claudia's interests also include writing. She wishes to pursue a career in the editorial world and has experienced several previous editorial internships. She is currently studying Media, Culture and Communications at N.Y.U. along with an Italian minor.
Stephanie is in the class of 2014 at New York University studying Journalism and Dramatic Writing. She is currently a production intern at NBC News, after previously interning at ABC News. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus NYU, she is also an entertainment and lifestyle blogger for Seventeen Magazine and a contributing writer for USA TODAY and The Huffington Post, as well as a member of the MTV Insights team. Stephanie loves Broadway and performing in musical theatre, as well as shopping, singing, and playing the piano. Follow her NYC adventures on Twitter at @StephanieJBeach.