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Study Abroad Diaries: Interning While Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

It’s Wednesday morning and the sun is finally coming out after a week of scattered thunderstorms. I love thunder and lightning, don’t get me wrong. It’s fun to jump in puddles and feel the rain dropping on your skin. Rain, good; but a week straight of it, not so bueno, especially if I have no real cold weather clothing. I guess I’m more of an LA native than I thought.

Anyways, lately I’ve been getting into the rhythm of just working and studying. Or studying and working. I don’t regret not traveling for Fall Break, but I do hope I can go somewhere for Thanksgiving. I’ve been looking at tickets for Tierra Del Fuego, basically the tip of South America. At world’s end ahoy! And next week NYU-BA plans to head out to Iguazu. Imagine Niagara Falls but bigger and more beautiful! The following weekend, I’m off to Uruguay. Expect travel posts and photos very soon!

But for now, I wanted to take the time to talk about interning abroad. Many people will decide against it. Reason being it will get in the way of traveling and people rather go sightseeing than staying behind a desk, or running errands. They have a point, but interning abroad can have its benefits too.

Benefit #1
You meet interesting people, people who are working in the city where you now live. Since I’m in Buenos Aires interning for Idea.me (a company similar to Kickstarter, but more focused on Latin America and expanding towards the Latin community in the US), I have had the opportunity to expand my artistic community. I have met artists fundraising for their creative projects, I’ve interviewed a local band, and my supervisors have become incredible resources on the happenings of this city.

Benefit #2
Your resume will get a boost. Yes, it has to be mentioned. Interning abroad gives you something others in the States may not have. Your future boss will be impressed by your international experience.

Benefit #3
You join the “local” scene. You are working (okay, interning) in a foreign country! You are no longer a tourist (that much) and can say that you have a similar schedule to the local students. School, interning, studying. Yea, look at you local!

Benefit #4
USA connections! Okay so this may not happen to everyone, but there is a possibility that the company you intern for is trying to expand to the US and you could help them. Thus, networking in the US as a member of the company can look impressive to other US businesses. Possibly an internship, or a job, when you return!

So those are my Top 4 Reasons as to why you should intern while abroad. Of course, I understand this isn’t for everyone, and you should enjoy your time abroad as you wish to.

I, on the other hand, am going to look out my fifth floor window and enjoy the nice cool breeze as I tweet for my internship. Muy bueno!

Stephanie is in the class of 2014 at New York University studying Journalism and Dramatic Writing. She is currently a production intern at NBC News, after previously interning at ABC News. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus NYU, she is also an entertainment and lifestyle blogger for Seventeen Magazine and a contributing writer for USA TODAY and The Huffington Post, as well as a member of the MTV Insights team. Stephanie loves Broadway and performing in musical theatre, as well as shopping, singing, and playing the piano. Follow her NYC adventures on Twitter at @StephanieJBeach.