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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

Name: Justin Chung
Hometown: Edison, NJ
Nick Name: Trusty Chusty
Major: Soon to be Music “BIZ”
Year: Freshman

HC: Do you play any sports?
JC: I was in the varsity swim team at my high school all four years. It was a great experience but one I didn’t continue here at NYU.
HC: We hear you’re a musical man… what instruments do you play?
JC: Don’t take this list as “bragging” please!  I play classical and electric guitar, bass, jazz percussion, the French horn, and the harmonica.

HC: Oh, only?!
JC: Actually the recorder as well!

HC: What is in your wallet right now?
JC: Ok let’s see… there’s a Valentine’s day card from my RA, a Pinkberry frequent purchaser card, oh look I’m only one stamp away!  There’s two guitar picks and a guitar shop business card.

HC: Any stories behind those picks?
JC: One is BBKing and this black one is my lucky show pick.

HC: Any money in there?
JC: Zero dollars.  Sorry girls! 

HC: Your band “All Against All’ is playing in Webster Hall next month. How do you feel?
JC: I feel really honored.  It has really motivated me to write better music and become a better performer in all aspects.

HC: Any way HerCampus readers can score tickets?
JC: Honestly I was lucky to score tickets!  But if there is any way I’ll be the first to let you know.

HC: The all important question: what do you find most attractive in a girl?
JC: Hmm.  Well, I focus on faces a lot.  A girl’s expressions really say a lot about her.  Intelligence is nice, but there’s also something to be said for a girl who can have a good time and be herself no matter what.

HC: The weather is finally warming up!  What’s your favorite spring date spot in the village?
JC: One dollar pizza at St. Mark’s is a fail-safe date spot in any season!  But if we’re going for a classy date nothing says “I’m into you” like a Spring picnic on the Washington Square lawn with the squirrels.  They’re indigenous to this area you know!

Stephanie is in the class of 2014 at New York University studying Journalism and Dramatic Writing. She is currently a production intern at NBC News, after previously interning at ABC News. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus NYU, she is also an entertainment and lifestyle blogger for Seventeen Magazine and a contributing writer for USA TODAY and The Huffington Post, as well as a member of the MTV Insights team. Stephanie loves Broadway and performing in musical theatre, as well as shopping, singing, and playing the piano. Follow her NYC adventures on Twitter at @StephanieJBeach.