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How to Transition Your Skincare Routine From Fall to Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

Keeping up with the seasons means that it is extremely crucial to update your beauty bags!  Whether you’re a fashionista/o or simply low maintenance, no one likes dry, cracked skin.  Ever wanted to know how your roommate got that healthy, dewy look?  No, she didn’t drink from the fountain of youth..

As I suggest to everyone that wants to make the most of their beauty routine, hydration is the key to beauty.  Whether it is using a daily moisturizer, applying Vaseline to chapped lips, or using hydrating makeup products, the key to looking fresh is moisture!  Natural is best – especially when you have 8 AMs and you’re running out the door to make it to class in the next three minutes. There are a few products that I refuse to go a day without (literally) because they help me through my morning rush.  

If you’re the type of person to want to make your morning and night routines as simple as possible, a nourishing cleanser and moisturizer containing SPF’s are the two products that are absolutely necessary.  Without these keystones of skincare, the winter will wreak havoc on your skin.  I’ve found that CeraVe’s cleanser is super easy on the face and doesn’t dry me out like many other facial cleansers do.

1. CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, $7.39

I also swear by their AM and PM moisturizers.  The AM one contains SPF, which is the most important aspect of any daily routine, while the PM one is light enough to hydrate my skin during those typically-dry hours of the night. Insider’s Tip: SPF’s are the secret ingredient to the ever-coveted fountain of youth!

2. CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion, $13.19

3. CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion, $11.19

If you’re looking to amp up your daily routine, applying a BB cream or tinted moisturizer that contains SPF is the healthiest and lightest way to still achieve ultimate hydration while still having full coverage.  I try to avoid heavy foundations, so loading up on some of NARS’ BB creams (like the one below) is the best way to get that ‘I’m not wearing any makeup, makeup look.’

4.  NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 30, $43

Throw some heavy lip balm to finish off this natural, healthy look and you’re ready for the day.  

5. Vaseline Lip Therapy

The key to changing the feel of your skin is changing the routine you’ve been using for the warmer seasons.  This winter will be tough on our skin, especially for those of us on the East Coast, and the best way to battle this is to adjust your daily regime to suit the conditions. While everyone is blistered and chapped, you’ll be glowing and radiant thanks to that wonderful “H” word- HYDRATION!

Madison is a current Gallatin junior pursuing a concentration in Magazine Journalism and a minor in Nutrition. Besides obsessing over french bulldogs, peanut butter, and books, she aspires to be an editor someday. The city serves as her limitless inspiration, and you can most likely spot her in the park either writing away or leafing through magazines. She is currently the campus correspondent for Her Campus NYU and has previously interned and written for Bustle.com, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan and NYLON. She believes in freshly baked cookies and never taking herself too seriously. Except when it comes to her career, of course.  "Creativity is intelligence having fun." - Albert Einstein