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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

Making friends in college can feel extremely overwhelming and intimidating. You are in a new environment with new people, trying to navigate the changes happening in your life all at once.

No matter if you’re a first-year, transfer, or even a senior, there are times it can feel lonely and isolating to be at such a large school. We tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make friends because no one wants to feel alone. We want to find our best friends, people we feel comfortable with, people who will always be there for us, and people we can enjoy the college experience with. In reality, it can be hard to meet people, especially in such a big school. 

Not too long ago, I was a freshman starting at NYU, nervous to embark on the journey of making new friends. I was a shy, introverted girl wondering if I’d even make one friend. Three years later, I’m happy to report that I’ve made some of my best friends at NYU. I know how scary this task can feel, so here are some things I did and learned over the years that made making friends less daunting!

Talk to People in Your Classes

Talking to people in my classes is how I made some of my closest friends. It might seem awkward at first to start talking to the person next to you, but nine times out of ten, they’re likely looking for a friend in the class just like you. You’ll most likely have something in common with the people in your classes, and it’s always good to have a friend who’s the same major as you! Even if the friendship doesn’t last outside of the class, at least you won’t have to go through the class by yourself!

Join Clubs & Organizations

NYU has over 300 student academic-based and recreational clubs and organizations, so you’re bound to find one that captures your interests! Joining clubs is a great way to make friends at NYU because you’re joining a smaller community of the larger campus. In a smaller pool of people who share the same interests as you, talking to others and making friends can feel much less intimidating. During my freshman year, I joined a sorority at NYU and it’s been the best decision I’ve made! I got to meet so many new people from all over the world who are in different schools and majors. Some of my best friends to this day are girls in my sorority!

I definitely recommend going to club events. With a smaller group of people, you’ll likely be less overwhelmed. You’ll also likely be going somewhere fun or doing something interesting, which are some of the best environments to meet new people!

Go to Campus Events

The university holds its own events as well. Welcome events, shows, and events hosted by your year’s Class Activities Board are all great ways to meet people in a somewhat smaller setting. It might feel boring to go to a school event — I know, I thought so my first year — but it’s not and lots of people go. Some events have cool incentives like free food or merchandise which is also a plus. 

Talk to People in Your Dorms or if You’re a Commuter in Commuter Spaces

If you dorm at NYU, talking to other students in your building or on your floor is a great way to put yourself out there! In fact, making friends within your building is not only convenient, as you won’t have to travel to meet up with them, but you can also meet people from many different schools and majors if you’re wanting to expand your circle outside of your specific major. You might also meet people who are in your classes that also live in your dorm!. This is another great way to make a friend, as you can do homework and study together or even walk to and from class together.

If you’re a commuter student, like me, there are a couple of commuter spaces on campus, including the den in Lipton Hall and the lounge in Kimmel where you can meet fellow commuter students. The next time you’re in those areas, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with another student. You might even meet someone with the same commute as you who you can travel with. The Commuter Student Association and commuter assistants also host events in these locations!

I hope these tips ease you into the process of making friends! You are not alone, so many people are on this quest too! Remember not everyone’s journeys are the same, and there is no time limit to making friends! As long as you’re being yourself and putting yourself out there, you’re already doing a great job! You will find the people who support and appreciate you for you! :)

Angelica, born and raised in NY, is currently a senior at New York University in the College of Arts & Science! Find her on Instagram @angelicadeviannie :)