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Girl Crush of the Week: Marialuisa Monda

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

The phenomenon of “the girl crush” has been circulating the globe for as long as anyone can remember.  English women back in the 1500s probably wanted to be Queen Elizabeth just as badly as ninety-percent of the female population wants to be Jennifer Lawrence today.  And no, it’s not just because both were rich and famous; there are plenty of women like that who aren’t nearly as admired (I’m talking to you, Miley Cyrus).  It takes a certain kind of girl do be deemed “crushable”, and here’s a profile of some bonafide girl crushes walking around campus.


Name: Marialuisa Monda
Age: 21
Year: 2016
Hometown: Manhattan, New York
Major: Philosophy (Gallatin)

Girl Crush Status:  There are just some people in life who accomplish things at such a young age, it almost makes you feel guilty for all the hours you’ve wasted having those pants-less Netflix marathons.  Mark Zuckerberg isn’t even thirty yet and he’s one of the most influential people of the century; Jennifer Lawrence isn’t even in  her mid-twenties and she’s got an Oscar (and had the privilege of lip-locking with both Bradley Cooper and Josh Hutcherson); and Marialuisa Monda, who turned twenty-one this summer, has not just a book but a series published.  Born to an Italian father and a Jamaican mother, Marialuisa is becoming a prominent author in the fantasy genre, somehow fitting school and other frivolous activities (she particularly enjoys going out dancing) in between.  Here’s her profile as this week’s girl crush:      

HC NYU: Who are your personal girl crushes/why?
MM: Alicia Keys, Shakira, and Isabella Rossellini are three of the many women I have a “girl crush” on. They are beautiful women who are classic and authentically radiant. From looking them up (and my experience with Isabella Rossellini being a close friend of the family) they are brilliant and intelligent women. They are philanthropists and so passionate about life which inspires me to live truly. I have many more, however these three s to be truly genuine people from experience, their work, and their arts (music and film). Confidence and authenticity is always key which they have. Even if they have a bad day, they seem to have this way about them that I feel they could turn around.

HC NYU: Which qualities do you find constitute not just girl crushes, but admirable people in general?
MM: Passion, eagerness to learn, courage, strength, respect for others, hard work, humility, unconditional love, authenticity, and gratitude are my main qualities for [admirable people]. In the long run, it is all these qualities that show us that happiness comes from by being who we truly are. ). Confidence and authenticity is always key which they [my girl crushes] have. Even if they have a bad day, they seem to have this way about them that could turn any bad day around.

HC NYU: Which qualities about yourself do you find admirable?
MM: I am very understanding and open-minded for I respect people for many reasons (opinions, cultures, beliefs, and so on) and I have always been someone who wanted to support and make everyone feel motivated and happy. I feel that is what life is all about: making the world a better place. I have learnt that happiness is within and everything else with pure intentions and balances, that is worth it too. It is about being in the flow.   This may seem to be a very unlikely quality, but I think feeling defeat is something admirable. It could either motivate or destroy you; I choose motivation every time. When I do feel like it’s going to be a bad day (you know that familiar day you just don’t want to get out of bed?), I tell myself making mistakes and taking risks is worth it for the many blessings I receive in the process. I also need to remember to let it flow and have fun; never make it a chore. Just live.

HC NYU What advice would you give to young girls pertaining to their careers?
MM: Girls(and boys) need to remember to have fun and to be honest about themselves. To let go of all that is limited and just forces you to be trapped in the cage of fears and hopelessness. Let us say you want to be astronaut, you first and so much important have the passion for it. Do not do it for money; money is great, but if you are doing your supposed dream job for money then it isn’t worth it and you will be happy. Study on the subject and get some experience. Just be the astronaut you want to be. There is nothing worse for me than when I talk to people and they have no real passion & real motivation. So be sure, work hard, go in the flow, and have fun and passions!   If you are being criticized, that is okay and what you need. It gives you so much strength honestly that you thought you would never have. I had critics on my work that were downright harsh which no one deserves, for example) I took a Creative Writing Class and this classmate of mine wrote something very hurtful, and from the language itself he/she didn’t bother to even read my work. It hurt and there was a moment I questioned who I am, if I am a writer. However  I am. What I remembered is that I could use this for my advantage for my strength. It isn’t to prove anything, it is to tell people who say no to you to your dreams, values, and all that is truly you and yours is: watch me.

HC NYU: What was the inspiration behind the storyline for your novels?
MM: As a child I always wondered about life, about the hows and whys of people and their consequences. It is about the expression and freedom of the authenticity that makes me so engrossed with curiosity. I want to make sense of things such as war and love or life and friendships, and try to show people view my eyes of my feelings and how to make sense of it in a universal language. Of course to be a writer, you must read and read a lot. After all true writers are more than just writers: they are scientists, philosophers all.   

HC NYU: How does being published at such a young age shape your outlook for the future?
MM: It made me feel that all my dreams shall come true, and I know it will. It made me feel unstoppable. Correction: I am unstoppable.

HC NYU: What is it about writing specifically that draws you to the art?
MM: This is such a difficult question to answer. It just feels part of me. It is who I am.

Check out her series, La Profezia del Lupo, in the US come 2014.

Along with hummus, coffee, and Jon Hamm, Claudia's interests also include writing. She wishes to pursue a career in the editorial world and has experienced several previous editorial internships. She is currently studying Media, Culture and Communications at N.Y.U. along with an Italian minor.
Stephanie is in the class of 2014 at New York University studying Journalism and Dramatic Writing. She is currently a production intern at NBC News, after previously interning at ABC News. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus NYU, she is also an entertainment and lifestyle blogger for Seventeen Magazine and a contributing writer for USA TODAY and The Huffington Post, as well as a member of the MTV Insights team. Stephanie loves Broadway and performing in musical theatre, as well as shopping, singing, and playing the piano. Follow her NYC adventures on Twitter at @StephanieJBeach.