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Do You Have The Best BF/GF in America? Seventeen Magazine Wants To Know!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

Do you have the best boyfriend or girlfriend in America?

Then Seventeen Magazine wants to know.

All you need to do is sumbit two short stories that prove why your BF or GF deserves to be named the Best Boyfriend or Girlfriend in America, share the best love lesson you learned from dating him/her, and the most romantic thing that your guy/girl has done for you.  Attach a picture of the two of you together, and you’re set!

So what are you waiting for? Enter here to show Seventeen why you deserve the title!

Stephanie is in the class of 2014 at New York University studying Journalism and Dramatic Writing. She is currently a production intern at NBC News, after previously interning at ABC News. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus NYU, she is also an entertainment and lifestyle blogger for Seventeen Magazine and a contributing writer for USA TODAY and The Huffington Post, as well as a member of the MTV Insights team. Stephanie loves Broadway and performing in musical theatre, as well as shopping, singing, and playing the piano. Follow her NYC adventures on Twitter at @StephanieJBeach.