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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NU chapter.

Creativity takes courage. For that reason, artists are some of the bravest people I know. Be it in the field of music, painting, dance or any other – every art has its own beauty, challenges, and people who overcame those challenges to establish themselves as artists. 

They are the backbone of society. Art is our glimpse into history, science and humanity. We get to see how their works compare to the ones of past artists and see how we as society have evolved. We are SURROUNDED by artists and their artworks, and they deserve to be celebrated at every opportune moment. So, how can we do that?

Be their biggest supporter

In some cases literally, but in most cases, just do your best. Follow them on all social media, give them shoutouts and recommend them to people, while showering them with the praise they deserve! Leave compliments and likes all over their social media accounts like a little goblin gremlin.

Share their work

Recommend them to the people you know and don’t know. The power of social media is astounding – use it to share their accounts and works, and help them reach a larger audience.

Consume their work

If they make art pieces, save up to buy one, it would mean the world to them. Buy that album, go to that show, stream their performance, and buy the merch. Get yourself a T-shirt that says “I’ve been here since day one”. Nothing pleases an artist more than knowing that there are people who love their work. 

Warning: You might find them sobbing in a corner, buy them ice cream at the end of your shopping spree.

Moral support!

Turn up. Sometimes they might need a hand when setting up for a showcase or a performance, offer it. Go to all their free concerts and scream yourself hoarse. Attend their gallery shows and stay for as long as possible. If you know them personally, stay afterwards and help them pack up, take them out for dinner for a job amazingly done and thank them for existing. If not, just stick to congratulating them on a successful day.

Admire them

At the end of the day, don’t forget to admire them. There is a reason you wish to support this artist – never forget it. Let yourself immerse in their art. Fall in love with every new thing they do and piece they create. Yes, artists love being able to expand their audience and establish themselves, and making a living is also important. They, however, also love their genuine fans, who truly find their work amazing and let themselves be entranced by them.

Many artists run various crowdfunding campaigns for their shows, concerts, exhibitions etc. Spread those words and if possible, take some pennies out of your savings and fund them. Even if it may seem insignificant to you, droplets make up an ocean!

I'm a part time human and full time procrastinator. Sometimes I write. Hey! I'm Prachi, Campus Correspondent for HC at NU. When I'm not daydreaming of plots I will never write, I play chess, vibe to music and go on long walks.