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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NU chapter.

We are a generation with exposure that was not readily available to our predecessors. Having normalized conversations about mental health, sexualities and capitalism has probably been our biggest win. With eyes bright open to important social constraints, there are still certain factors which are seen to play a role in majority relationship failures – and we are not actively working on them. I am sure you have noticed these 3 reasons being reflected in all your bestie’s rants!

Perfection is just ideal, not a real deal:

Perfection never has been and never will be completely attainable. As great as it is to know your worth and understand what you deserve, as real is the truth of this world. Gen Z talks about healing and becoming that perfect version and wants their partners to be perfect in their perspective. Imperfections are what make us unique, what make us ourselves. It is the flaws that define perfection of the world making it special to each one of us in a varied way.

Lack of clarity in signs of maturity- Financial independence edition:

Crazy Rich Asians
Color Force

If there’s one thing that Millennials did right, it was to understand maturity in terms of emotional growth and stability. They shook the traditional milestones of marriage at a certain age because of the understanding of emotional growth of individuals. It is more likely in this generation to take someone as a mature partner if they are financially independent, especially if they are hustling in their young years. While financial ambitions matter, they cannot define an individual’s capability to be a good partner.

Options or escapism- a never ending confusion:

With bumble and grindr, we sure have the availability to go out with someone the very same day- to distract ourselves or just see our ex being a little salty about it. Rather than working, analyzing and processing our feelings, we tend to look for escapism. Sometimes, we even land up with someone else without looking for them- right after a squabble with our partners. 

This point is also contributive to the lack of commitment and sneaking around seen in this generation, while playing a major role in not letting one move on after sitting with their thoughts and feelings in a healthy manner. 

Bestie, if any of these attacked you, we got some work to do before we step into any new relationships blindly. And if you are in one, do you think these factors would affect your relationship?

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