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Things to Look for While Searching for Internships

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NSU chapter.

One of the most stressful things to endure while preparing to graduate is finding an internship to give you experience in the field that you are getting your degree. From trying to figure out what company to apply for, to researching if it’s a paid internship or not, there are so many factors that go into internship exploring. Well, honey, I’m here to help you try and de-clutter your search a little bit! Here are some things to look for while trying to determine the perfect internship for you:


Make Sure the Internship is in Your Field of Study — When applying for jobs, make note that employers like to see that their candidates have enough experience to fulfill the necessary requirements for the job. So, when applying for internships, make sure they somewhat relate to the career that you wish to fulfill in the future so that you will be knowledgeable about what to expect. For example, if you’re an English major, searching for internships that have to do with deep science won’t help you learn the basic necessities for your career. You may want to search internships that have to do with writing or communications.

See if the Internship Matches Your Pay Expectations — One thing I have learned with my experience in searching for internships is that a lot of companies don’t mention how much, or if, they pay you. My theory for why they do that is because they want you to be more focused on what you learn from the internship, rather than focusing on how much they are willing to pay you, but unfortunately, we are struggling college students with bills to pay! We want the money, honey! Of course, some people may not mind if the internship pays or not, but if you do mind, make sure you do your research or contact the company with your questions.

Send Me Your Location *Khalid Voice* –The most important factor into considering an internship is making sure you can actually get to and from it. If you don’t have your own source of transportation, be sure to check if there are buses or taxis that can get you to the job. Also, if you are looking for internships that are out of town, make sure you get the details on your living expenses. While some companies pay for the expenses of their interns, some may not.

Look at the Reviews from Previous or Current Interns/Employees –The biggest factor that can ruin the love for your job is your work environment. Make sure to look for your company of interest on websites such as Glassdoor, Indeed, and Career Bliss. If you see a lot of complaints from previous or current employees, maybe that isn’t the job you should invest your time in, sis!


If you take these factors into consideration while researching internships, I promise that it will be a breeze and you will find and internship that you love. So, sit back, relax, and start searching!



Jaida is an outgoing and goofy junior who loves finance so much that she decided to major in it! She has always enjoyed expressing her ideas and loves doing it through writing. While growing up in Richmond, Virginia she developed some hobbies that she still continues to do, such as drawing, playing piano, and reading. Whew, Jaida is an interesting person, right? Well, with this information, I hope this gave you a glimpse of who she is!