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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Sometimes I will come across a small tip or trick in the world of makeup and beauty and think “this is actually useful”. Here, I’ve put together a list of some of my favourite tips which hopefully you will find helpful, be you a complete makeup newbie or a beauty whiz!

  • Use shampoo and conditioner to wash your brushes on a regular basis to prevent gross product build up. This means your brushes will not only give better results but it may help prevent blemishes too.
  • Don’t dab concealer straight from the applicator onto spots. First, dab some onto the back of your hand and then use a clean finger to apply it to your face. This prevents bacteria and dirt going back into the tube, hopefully keeping your skin more spot free!
  • Try and elevate the handle of your brushes when drying them after washing to stop water entering the part of the brush where the bristles are glued in, as this can loosen the glue and lead to shedding (and no one wants that…).
  • Wrap the bristles of natural hair brushes in tissue to keep their shape as they dry.
  • If you’re worried you’ve got too much lipstick or gloss on and are concerned about getting it on your teeth, pop a clean finger into your mouth, close your lips around it, then pull it out. This should remove any excess and prevent any embarrassing moments.
  • After a long day, treat your feet by slathering on a luxurious moisturiser after a bath or shower, then pull on a pair of socks. In the morning your tootsies with be super soft!
  • Use nail art brushes for detailing, covering spots and even as lip brushes, as well as for funky nail art – plus they are really cheap on Ebay!
  • Keep nail polish in the fridge to make it last longer (students don’t actually use their fridges for food anyway, right?).
  • Splash cool water on your face after washing to help close pores and help put an end to those pesky blemishes.
  • Store makeup wipes with the opening facing down. This means the top wipe is always moist and better at removing make up. This is probably my favourite tip and something I can’t help but instruct all my friends to do too. Works with cleaning wipes too (woo, clean surfaces!).
  • Use mugs, plant pots, tea light holders – or whatever you fancy! – to store your brushes in an easily-accessible way. Much easier than fishing through that overstuffed makeup bag.
  • Throw away mascaras after 3 months of use. I know, it’s painful to bin that half-full £25 tube, but really you know you should.
  • Mix sugar and coconut oil to make a lip scrub (tastes yummy too), or use a dry toothbrush in circular motions to buff away any dry patches with even less effort.
  • Use a body scrub before shaving to get rid of dead skin cells so they don’t clog up your razor, meaning that achieving smooth, silky skin is simpler than you thought!
  • Don’t ever apply testers straight on to your face. Please. As well as being kind of grim, I’ve heard horror stories about catching all kinds of viruses from tester tubes. I’m not sure how true this is, but let’s be on the safe side – just don’t put it on your face. If you want to test for pigmentation or the kind of finish, swipe a little on the back of your hand and wash it off after.
  • Use highlighter on your cupid’s bow to fake fuller looking lips. If you really want to amp up the volume, use a contour powder lightly dusted under your bottom lip too.
  • Hair spraying a spoolie or clean mascara wand and brushing though brows can set those pesky wiggly ones in place all day. This also works with flyaway hairs when you’re trying to rock a sleek updo.
  • Finally, my most important makeup tip is to blend. Blend until you think everything’s blended… then blend some more. This is especially true for your smoky eye – harsh lines aren’t so chic – and for preventing those hideous foundation tide marks around the jawline.  Simply take a clean fluffy brush and soften out everything (bar those perfectly painted red lips) for a professional ‘air brushed’ finish.

What are your best beauty tips?









Edited by Jayde Richards

Hello there! My name is Jess. I am a third year Human Geneticist with a bit of a make up addiction. I am really excited to be on the Her Campus team this year and will be writing beauty blog posts fortnightly this year. Expect plenty of fuss about finding the perfect red lip and perhaps discover which pricey skincare products are really worth your student loan.
Sam is a Third Year at the University of Nottingham, England and Campus Correspondent for HC Nottingham. She is studying English and would love a career in journalism or marketing (to name two very broad industries). But for now, her favourite pastimes include nightclubs, ebay, cooking, reading, hunting down new music, watching thought-provoking films, chatting, and attempting to find a sport/workout regime that she enjoys!