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Snapped: Reindeer in Trinity Square

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Already been to the Christmas markets in Market Square, had your selfie with the snowman and are now worrying that you just won’t feel Christmas-sy enough?! I understand that fear. Well, hidden in Trinity Square is this beautiful large and lit up reindeer! As well as being absolutely gorgeous, it is a classy and much quieter alternative to the Christmas tree in the centre. A definite must see!

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Naomi Upton


Naomi is a third year English student at Nottingham University and Co-Editor in Chief of HC Nottingham. Naomi would love a career in journalism or marketing but for now she spends her time beauty blogging, attempting to master the delicate art of Pinterest, being an all-black-outfit aficionado, wasting time on Buzzfeed, going places, taking pictures and staying groovy.