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Snapped: 7 Legged

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Study by day, stagger by night, who was best dressed at 7 legged and who just can’t get it right?


Last Monday, 7000 students took the streets of Nottingham to uphold a 94 year old legacy, hosted by our very own Karnival. The legend of 7 legged runs deep into our university’s history and I’ve been doing my homework in the depths of Hallward’s archives to find out why we all get so drunk every year…

It has been said that in 1921 Sir Jesse Boot gave UoN 35 acres of land, but on one bizarre condition. Every October, when the sun dips behind the trees, students must gather together in teams of 7. Suited and booted in their most extravagant and wild fancy dress, they take to the city centre to crawl Nottingham’s greatest bars.

…And I must say, I did see some rather outrageous outfits. From Baa Bar, to Pit and Pendulum, to Bodega, to Suede; students were determined to reach the lights at the end of the tunnel – our beloved Ocean and Rock City – before their cardboard and tape covered creations fell apart. It really does go to show how creative we students can be, when we fob off our seminar prep and rummage through our recycling bins for any sturdy-ish material. I have jumbled together some of the very best outfits that were on show, but as the night went on, in true 7 legged style, my photos deteriorated. From Disney to NASA, the costumes were beyond creative, however some people just ‘Karn’t’ get it right. (Dave and his pigs will always have a small place in my heart.)

From first-hand experience, as one of the mildly intoxicated 7 dwarves, I can assure you the 7 legged bar crawl truly stands up to its name as ‘Europe’s Biggest Bar Crawl’.

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Immy Hibberd
