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The new Fenty Snap Palettes – snap ‘em up!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.


If you haven’t heard, Fenty Beauty has released 6 new mini eyeshadow palettes – exciting right?! The day they went on sale I bought two in the shades ‘Rose’ and ‘Cool Neutrals’ and I am. In. LOVE. You can get them at boots for £21 each or two for £38. They’re pretty cool because, as the name suggests, they do in fact ‘snap’ and join together. I don’t know why it’s necessary, but it’s just a cool extra right?

Let’s start with the Rose palette. The colours are absolutely gorgeous; that hot pink shade is to *die* for. There are 3 matte shades and 2 metallic, but the one that excited me most is the one glitter shade. As you can tell from the swatches, the pigmentation is amazing, and the shades feel creamy to the touch. Some glitters look amazing in the pan but swatch to be really sparse and disappointing – but not this one. The glitter is INTENSE, I’d compare the sparkle to the Stila Glitter and Glow Liquid Eyeshadows. Not to mention, they stayed on all night without an eye primer. 10/10!  

The other colour story I went for is a lot cooler, with more of a purple base to it. I didn’t have anything like this, so I was interested to see what looks I could make with it. Surprisingly a lot for 6 shades! There are 2 mattes and 4 metallics, and the lighter two actually go perfectly with the pink from the other palette! I also love that they have a little mirror as well – it’s always helpful, especially with these palettes which are ideal size for travelling!

Overall, I totally recommend these palettes. As a student I admit they’re kind of pricey, but if you don’t mind paying it for good quality I’d try one – or two. The other shades available are True Neutrals, Deep Neutrals, Smokey, Peach, Pastel and Cadet – check them out! 


Bethany smith

Nottingham '22

Hi! I'm a masters Marketing student at the University of Nottingham. I have just completed my undergraduate course in Hispanic Studies where I went on an amazing year abroad in Lisbon ad Lima!